我有一個單元測試的應用程序。在此測試中,我創建了一個用戶 帳戶,然後對其進行測試。然後我修改它並測試修改後的 版本。問題是,它似乎在做一些亂糟糟的事情。 Am 我錯了嗎?無論哪種方式,我該如何解決?Clojure測試運行不正常?
(ns myapp.db.account-test
(:use expectations)
[myapp.db :as DB]
[myapp.db.account :as Account]
(defn- $reset-database
"Reset the database to a pristine state."
(let [acct-1 {:email "[email protected]" :username "user-one" :password "goodpwd1"}
acct-2 {:email "[email protected]" :username "user-two" :password "goodpwd2"}]
(Account/create acct-1)
(let [db-acct (Account/seek {:email (:email acct-1)})]
(expect (:email acct-1) (:email db-acct))
(expect (:username acct-1) (:username db-acct))
(expect true (Account/authenticate {:email (:email acct-1) :password "goodpwd1"}))
(expect false (Account/authenticate {:email (:email acct-1) :password "badpwd"}))
;; Now try to change some attributes of the account
#_(Account/modify acct-1 acct-2)
myapp 10:28 PM ~/Projects/myapp/myapp.net/code/myapp $ lein test myapp.db.account-testPicked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
Rewriting src/cljx to target/generated/clj (clj) with features #{clj} and 0 transformations.
Rewriting src/cljx to target/generated/cljs (cljs) with features #{cljs} and 1 transformations.
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
lein test myapp.db.account-test
Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Ran 4 tests containing 4 assertions in 171 msecs
0 failures, 0 errors.
;; Now try to change some attributes of the account
(Account/modify acct-1 acct-2)
myapp 10:40 PM ~/Projects/myapp/myapp.net/code/myapp $ lein test myapp.db.account-testPicked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
Rewriting src/cljx to target/generated/clj (clj) with features #{clj} and 0 transformations.
Rewriting src/cljx to target/generated/cljs (cljs) with features #{cljs} and 1 transformations.
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
lein test myapp.db.account-test
Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
failure in (account_test.clj:21) : myapp.db.account-test
(Account/authenticate {:email (:email acct-1), :password "goodpwd1"}))
act-msg: exception in actual: (Account/authenticate {:email (:email acct-1), :password "goodpwd1"})
threw: class java.lang.NullPointerException -
com.lambdaworks.crypto.SCryptUtil$check (SCryptUtil.java:74)
on (core.clj:41)
on (account.clj:109)
on (account_test.clj:21)
failure in (account_test.clj:22) : myapp.db.account-test
(Account/authenticate {:email (:email acct-1), :password "badpwd"}))
act-msg: exception in actual: (Account/authenticate {:email (:email acct-1), :password "badpwd"})
threw: class java.lang.NullPointerException -
com.lambdaworks.crypto.SCryptUtil$check (SCryptUtil.java:74)
on (core.clj:41)
on (account.clj:109)
on (account_test.clj:22)
Ran 4 tests containing 4 assertions in 234 msecs
0 failures, 2 errors.
(defn seek
"Get an account by email address"
[{:keys [email]}]
(row-to-hash (get-account-by-email {:email email})))
(defn modify
"Modify an account."
[{current-email :email}
{new-email :email new-username :username new-password :password}]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [connection db-env/spec]
(let [current (seek {:email current-email})]
(update-email-by-email! {:current_email current-email :new_email new-email}))))
(defn authenticate
"Try to authenticate given an identifier and a password.
Note that this returns a false case in the case of actual falsity, but nil
in the case of a poorly formed query (such as missing credentials)"
[{:keys [id email username password]}]
;; compare this password attempt
;; with this hash from the db (when possible)
;; Branch on which field is present.
id (get-authorization-fields-by-id {:id id})
email (get-authorization-fields-by-email {:email email})
username (get-authorization-fields-by-username {:username username})
;; Default to false
:else nil))))))
我切換到'$> lein expectations myapp.db.account-test'(遵循'expected'網站上的指示),但我看到完全相同的行爲。 –
嘗試在你的期望值內進行修改(例如'(expect true(do(修改...)(依賴於修改的東西)))'否則所有在編譯時評估的代碼將在預期之前運行。 –
謝謝,我也在沿着這條路走下去,事實證明這是正確的答案(至少對我而言),我會修改你的答案以包含工作解決方案的例子。 –