2011-10-15 40 views





//wrapper class 
    //@parameter character is the character to be encoded 
    //@return return the morse code as a string corresponding to the character 

    public String encode(char character){ 

     return encode(morseTree, character, ""); 


    //@Parameters tree is the binary tree is the tree to be searched, 
    //element is the target character trying to be foudn, s is the string being used to build the morse code 
    //@return returns the morse code that corresponds to the element being checked 

    public String encode(BinaryTree<Character> tree, char target, String s){ 

     if(tree.getData() == target){ //if the data at the current tree is equal to the target element 
      //return the string that is holding the morse code pattern for this current traversal 
      return s; 
      if(tree.getLeftSubtree() != null){ 
        //Traverse the left side, add a DOT to the end of a string to change the morse code 
        encode(tree.getLeftSubtree(), target, s + DOT); 

      if(tree.getRightSubtree() != null){ 
        //Traverse the left side, add a DOT to the end of a string to change the morse code 
        encode(tree.getRightSubtree(), target, s + DASH); 

     //The code should never get this far! 
     return s; 



你在else塊調用不返回 - 他們也許應該像這樣:

if (tree.getLeftSubtree() != null) { 
    // Traverse the left side, add a DOT to the end of a string to 
    // change the morse code 
    return encode(tree.getLeftSubtree(), target, s + DOT); 

if (tree.getRightSubtree() != null) { 
    // Traverse the left side, add a DOT to the end of a string to 
    // change the morse code 
    return encode(tree.getRightSubtree(), target, s + DASH); 


請注意,僅僅因爲您的基本呼叫已經返回,只會返回單個呼叫 - 並非堆棧中的所有其他呼叫。遞增不替換與新的通話的堆棧幀 - 它只是增加另一個堆棧幀。從新的堆棧框架返回只是讓你回到你身邊。



我想要它返回的是目標角色的莫爾斯電碼。我正在構建一個字符串,用於在遞歸的每個步驟中使用s和DOT或DASH來表示該代碼。雖然我認爲遞歸會在我返回時停止。我猜不會。 – Penn


好吧,似乎我需要在else塊中需要返回語句,但是我在其中某處發生了其他錯誤,因爲它沒有離開我的左側遍歷。我需要跟蹤一下我的代碼,看看我哪裏出錯了,儘管你關於添加return語句的提示似乎指向了正確的方向。 – Penn


@ Penn:當你從第一個方法調用返回時停止 - 當你已經有10個堆棧幀時,返回語句不會一直彈出堆棧。 –