2012-11-02 17 views

我的項目在這裏:http://jsfiddle.net/2SYvR/2/ 問題是:如果我嘗試在普通文件的瀏覽器中運行此項,則不會顯示任何字詞。但是,如果我將所有文件放在jsfiddle中並將其設置爲onDomReady,它會突然生效。那麼如何將onDomReady添加到您的文檔?如何將onDomReady添加到我的文檔中?


在的jsfiddle,您可以設置框架 'onDomReady',然後我的代碼工作。但是,當我設置的框架的OnLoad,我的代碼不工作了......



    /// Hiermee kun je de lengte van je oefening bepalen. 
    //var aantal = prompt("Tot hoever wil je oefenen? Geef een nummer op."); 

    var aantal = $("#slider1").val(); 

    /// might as well store an array with each answer, could be improved 
    /// by storing the question as well - so in the end you could give 
    /// the user a summary. 
    var antwoordenAnswers = []; 
    var antwoordenPartituur = 0; /// store the score count 
    var antwoordVerwacht = null; /// keep a reference to the expected answer 
    /// reformatted your arrays to better fit with SO layout ;) 

    // all special characters: http://kompoos.nl/manuals/ascii/javascript-special-characters.html 
    // \337 = ß 
    // \374 = ü 
     var vierdeNaamval = [ 
      "bis", "durch", "f\374r", "gegen", 
      "ohne", "um", "entlang" 
     derdeNaamval = [ 
      "aus", "bei", "mit", "nach", "seit", 
      "von", "zu", "entgegen", "au\337er", 
      "gegen\374ber", "an...vorbei" 
     keuzevoorzetsel = [ 
      "an", "auf", "hinter", "neben", "in", 
      "\374ber", "unter", "vor", "zwischen" 

    /// added some translation vars for English people 
    /// out there (and to help me) 
    var accusative = vierdeNaamval, 
     dative = derdeNaamval, 
     choicePreposition = keuzevoorzetsel; 

    /// to aid with a random choice it's nice to work with arrays 
    var opties = [vierdeNaamval, derdeNaamval, keuzevoorzetsel]; 
    var options = opties; 

    /// ... then we can use a function like this to grab a random item 
    var getRandomItem = function(a){ 
     return a[Math.floor((a.length)*Math.random())]; 

    /// handle writing the question, as stated 
    /// by @AvlinWong - don't use document.write() 
    var vraagQuestion = function(){ 
     /// use our simple get random item from array function 
     var a = getRandomItem(opties); 
     /// set the expected answer 
     if (a === derdeNaamval) { 
      antwoordVerwacht = '3'; 
     else if (a === vierdeNaamval) { 
      antwoordVerwacht = '4'; 
     else if (a === keuzevoorzetsel) { 
      antwoordVerwacht = 'k'; 
     /// choose a random question item from the list 
     var b = getRandomItem(a); 
     /// target the output element and change it's HTML 
     document.getElementById('antwoord').innerHTML = b; 

    /// a simple function to better explain the act of updating the score 
    /// in the GUI/HTML. 
    var zettenPartituur = function(a){ 
     document.getElementById('partituur').innerHTML = a; 

    /// clickOnTheButton --- hope the translation is right :) 
    var klikOpDeKnop = function(e){ 
     /// because we are relying on pure javascript, different browsers 
     /// have different event objects - srcElement for old IE, target 
     /// for everything else... 
     var a = e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement; 
     var corrigeren = null; 
     /// because each button has a unique id, we can do this 
     switch (a.id) { 
      case 'derde': 
       corrigeren = (antwoordVerwacht == '3'); 
      case 'vierde': 
       corrigeren = (antwoordVerwacht == '4'); 
      case 'keuze': 
       corrigeren = (antwoordVerwacht == 'k'); 
     /// if they were correct, tell them so and update score 
     if (corrigeren) { 
     /// otherwise tell them not and downgrade score :(
     else { 
      // alert('wrong!'); 


     /// collect the answer 
     /// output the score to the user 
     /// because we are storing an array of answers it's easy 
     /// to tell how many there have been by .length of the array 
     //if (antwoordenAnswers.length > 10) { 
      if (antwoordenPartituur >= aantal) {  
      /// all done! 
      alert("Hoera! Je bent klaar!!/You're done!!"); 
     } else { 
      /// generate a new question 
    /// using a simple window.onload will mean we know that we can 
    /// start messing around with the HTML on the page. This could 
    /// be improved using addEventListener/attachEvent but as this 
    /// is your own app with bespoke code you don't need to worry. 
    /// Unless you start using any plugins or third-party libraries. 
    window.onload = function(){ 

     /// target the button wrapper in the HTML 
     var wikkelWrapper = document.getElementById('buttons'), 
      /// find all buttons within wrapper 
      knoppenButtons = wikkelWrapper.getElementsByTagName('button'), 
      i, l = knoppenButtons.length, a; 

     /// step each button found and apply an event listener using the 
     /// more accepted and improved addEventListener/attachEvent methods 
     /// there are many reasons as to why these are better to use 
     /// just search StackOverflow for reasons as to why :) 
     for(i=0; i<l; i++){ 
      a = knoppenButtons[i]; 
      /// for all good browsers 
      if (a.addEventListener) { 
       a.addEventListener('click', klikOpDeKnop); 
      /// for good ol' Internet Explorer 
      else if (a.attachEvent) { 
       a.attachEvent('onclick', klikOpDeKnop); 

     /// set the ball rolling/stelt u de bal aan het rollen 
     /// first set the output of the score 
     /// then set the first question 


})(); /// this construction can be confusing, it basically just creates 
/// a new anonymous function and then executes it straight away. we are 
/// using the anon function for it's scope so that we keep our variables 
/// and methods separated from other code. 

