use std::mem;
use std::slice;
// unsafe!
pub extern "C" fn print_next(i: *const u8) {
let mut ii = unsafe { mem::transmute::<*const u8, i64>(i) };
ii += 1;
let iii = unsafe { mem::transmute::<i64, *const u8>(ii) };
let jj = unsafe { *iii };
println!("{}", jj); // jj is next value
// unsafe!
pub unsafe extern "C" fn print_next2(i: *const u8) {
let j = *i.offset(1);
println!("{}", j);
// (less but still ...) unsafe!
pub unsafe extern "C" fn print_next3(i: *const u8, len: usize) {
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(i, len);
// we are not checking the size ... so it may panic!
println!("{}", slice[1]);
fn main() {
let a = [9u8, 4, 6, 7];
print_next(&a as *const u8);
unsafe {
print_next2(&a[1] as *const u8);
print_next3(&a[2] as *const u8, 2);
// what if I print something not in a??
print_next(&a[3] as *const u8); // BAD
unsafe {
print_next2(&a[3] as *const u8); // BAD
print_next3(&a[3] as *const u8, 2); // as bad as others, length is wrong
print_next3(&a[3] as *const u8, 1); // panic! out of bounds
*接收指向[...] **和長度*** - 你的函數只接受一個參數。一路上有東西迷路了嗎? – Shepmaster
如果包含C函數的[MCVE],它將*非常有用。 – Shepmaster
[你應該如何在Rust中做指針運算?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24759028/how-should-you-do-pointer-arithmetic-in-rust) – kennytm