#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// This class is a template class that creates a binary
// tree that can hold values of any data type. It has
// functions to insert a node, delete a node, display the
// tree In Order, Pre Order and Post Order, search for a
// value, count the number of total nodes, left nodes,
// and a function to determine the height of the tree.
template <class T>
class BinaryTree
struct TreeNode
T value; // The value in the node
TreeNode *left; // Pointer to left child node
TreeNode *right; // Pointer to right child node
TreeNode *root; // Pointer to the root node
// Private member functions
void insert(TreeNode *&, TreeNode *&);
void destroySubTree(TreeNode *);
void deleteNode(T, TreeNode *&);
void makeDeletion(TreeNode *&);
void displayInOrder(TreeNode *) const;
void displayPreOrder(TreeNode *) const;
void displayPostOrder(TreeNode *) const;
// Constructor
{ root = NULL; }
// Destructor
{ destroySubTree(root); }
// Binary tree operations
void insertNode(T);
bool searchNode(int);
void remove(T);
void displayPreOrder() const
{ displayPreOrder(root); }
void displayInOrder() const
{ displayInOrder(root); }
void displayPostOrder() const
{ displayPostOrder(root); }
// insert function accepts a TreeNode pointer and a *
// pointer to a node. The function inserts the node into *
// the tree pointer to by the TreeNode pointer. This *
// function is call recursively. *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::insert(TreeNode *&nodePtr, TreeNode *&newNode)
if (nodePtr == NULL)
nodePtr = newNode; // Insert the node
else if (newNode->value < nodePtr->value)
insert(nodePtr->left, newNode); // Search the left branch
insert(nodePtr->right, newNode);// Search the right branch
// insertNode creates a new node to hold item as its value*
// and passes it to the insert function. *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::insertNode(T item)
TreeNode *newNode; // Pointer to a new node
// Create anew node and store num in it
newNode = new TreeNode;
newNode->value = item;
newNode->left = newNode->right = NULL;
// Insert the node
insert(root, newNode);
// destroySubTree is called by the destructor. It deletes *
// all nodes in the tree. *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::destroySubTree(TreeNode *nodePtr)
if (nodePtr)
if (nodePtr->left)
if (nodePtr->right)
delete nodePtr;
// searchNode determines if a value is present in the tree.*
// If so, the function returns true. Otherwise it returns *
// false.
template <class T>
bool BinaryTree<T>::searchNode(T item)
TreeNode *nodePtr = root;
while (nodePtr)
if (nodePtr->value == item)
return true;
else if (item < nodePtr->value)
nodePtr = nodePtr->left;
nodePtr = nodePtr->right;
return false;
// remove calls deleteNode to delete the node whode value *
// member is the same as num *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::remove(T item)
deleteNode(item, root);
// deleteNode deletes the node whose value member is the *
// same as num *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::deleteNode(T item, TreeNode *&nodePtr)
if (item < nodePtr->value)
deleteNode(item, nodePtr->left);
else if (item > nodePtr->value)
deleteNode(item, nodePtr->right);
// makeDeletion takes a reference to apointer to the node *
// that is to be deleted. The node is removed and the *
// branches of the tree below the node are reattached *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::makeDeletion(TreeNode *&nodePtr)
// Define a temporary pointer to use in reattaching
// the left subtree
TreeNode *tempNodePtr;
if (nodePtr == NULL)
cout << "Cannot delete empty node.\n";
else if (nodePtr->right == NULL)
tempNodePtr = nodePtr;
nodePtr = nodePtr->left; // Reattach the left child
delete tempNodePtr;
else if (nodePtr->left == NULL)
tempNodePtr = nodePtr;
nodePtr = nodePtr->right; // Reattach the right child
delete tempNodePtr;
// The displayInOrder function displays the values in the *
// subtree pointed to by nodePtr, via inorder traversal *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::displayInOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr) const
if (nodePtr)
cout << nodePtr->value.getEmpID() << " "
<< nodePtr->value.getEmpName() << endl;
// The displayPreOrder function displays the values in the*
// subtree pointed to by nodePtr, via Preorder traversal *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::displayPreOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr) const
if (nodePtr)
cout << nodePtr->value.getEmpID() << " "
<< nodePtr->value.getEmpName() << endl;
// displayPostOrder function displays the values in the *
// subtree pointed to by nodePtr, via Postorder traversal *
template <class T>
void BinaryTree<T>::displayPostOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr) const
if (nodePtr)
cout << nodePtr->value.getEmpID() << " "
<< nodePtr->value.getEmpName() << endl;
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// This class has two data members to hold the employee ID
// and the name of the employee.
class EmployeeInfo
int empID; // To hold employee ID number
string empName; // To hold employee name
// Default Constructor
// Constructor
EmployeeInfo(int, string);
// Mutators
void setEmpID(int);
void setEmpName(string);
// Accessors
int getEmpID();
string getEmpName();
// Overloaded operator. This works directly with
// the insert function of BinaryTree.h more specifically
// line 71. *For my knowledge*
bool operator < (const EmployeeInfo &e)
if (empID < e.empID)
return true;
return false;
// Overloaded operator for the search function
bool operator == (const EmployeeInfo &e)
if (empID == e.empID)
return true;
return false;
#include "EmployeeInfo.h"
// Default constructor intializes the data members *
empName = "";
empID = 0;
// Constructor sets the data members *
EmployeeInfo::EmployeeInfo(int ID, string name)
empName = name;
empID = ID;
// setEmpID stores the employee ID number *
void EmployeeInfo::setEmpID(int ID)
empID = ID;
// setEmpName stores the full name of the employee *
void EmployeeInfo::setEmpName(string name)
empName = name;
// getEmpID returns the employee ID number *
int EmployeeInfo::getEmpID()
return empID;
// getEmpName returns the full name of the employee *
string EmployeeInfo::getEmpName()
return empName;
#include "EmployeeInfo.h"
#include "BinaryTree.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Create an instance of BinaryTree
BinaryTree<EmployeeInfo> tree;
// Create an EmployeeInfo object
EmployeeInfo emp1(1021, "John Williams");
EmployeeInfo emp2(1057, "Bill Witherspoon");
EmployeeInfo emp3(2487, "Jennifer Twain");
EmployeeInfo emp4(3769, "Sophia Lancaster");
EmployeeInfo emp5(1017, "Debbie Reece");
EmployeeInfo emp6(1275, "George McMullen");
EmployeeInfo emp7(1899, "Ashley Smith");
EmployeeInfo emp8(4218, "Josh Plemmons");
// Search for an employee
char again = 'y'; // To hold yes
int id; // To hold ID number from user
cout << "Would you like to search for an employee?\n";
cout << "Enter Y for yes or N for No: ";
cin >> again;
if (again)
cout << "Enter the ID number of the employee: ";
cin >> id;
// Create an EmployeeInfo object to store the user's
// search parameters
EmployeeInfo info;
// If search finds what the user entered display the
// corresponding employee
if (tree.searchNode(info))
cout << info.getEmpName() << endl; // Not right?
cout << "ID not found!" << endl;
cout << "Would you like to search for an employee?\n";
cout << "Enter Y for yes or N for No: ";
cin >> again;
}while (again == tolower('Y'));
// Display in order
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
好吧,我改變了代碼,使其獲得布爾上班,if (tree.searchNode(info))
我得到這些更改後的錯誤代碼。我已經把它們放在我的代碼的末尾 – Lilspree
啊......得到那個......'searchNode()'接受EmployeeInfo類型參數,並且我們傳遞的是導致錯誤的'int' ....'searchNode(T item)'到'searchNode(int item)'.... that should work ... – HadeS
好吧我在BinaryTree.h中創建了我的函數頭文件'T searchNode(int)'函數定義讀取'T BinaryTree :: searchNode(int item '當我這樣做的時候,它告訴我我的主要'!= NULL'中的搜索函數的語句沒有操作符匹配這些操作數..我將構建並更新新的錯誤代碼 –