這是this thread的後續行動 - 遺憾的是我當時沒有取得任何進展,所以我想我會重新開始。我一直在調試日誌中獲得這個(QtCreator 2.3.1,4.7.3的Qt,GDB 7.2):Qt無法找到調試幫手
A syntax error in expression, near
0'.\n" 295^error,msg="A syntax error in expression, near
0'." &"Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.\n" 296^error,msg="Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB." &"Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.\n" 297^error,msg="Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB." &"Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.\n" 298^error,msg="Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB." &"Undefined command: \"bbsetup\". Try \"help\".\n" 299^error,msg="Undefined command: \"bbsetup\". Try \"help\"." dThe debugging helper library was not found at . &"source /home/matt/QtSDK-4.7.3/pythongdb/gdb\n" &"/home/matt/QtSDK-4.7.3/pythongdb/gdb:1: Error in sourced command file:\n" &"Undefined command: \"\". Try \"help\".\n" 300^error,msg="/home/matt/QtSDK-4.7.3/pythongdb/gdb:1: Error in sourced command file:\nUndefined command: \"\". Try \"help\"." &"Undefined command: \"bbsetup\". Try \"help\".\n" 301^error,msg="Undefined command: \"bbsetup\". Try \"help\"." dThe debugging helper library was not found at . 302^done <303set substitute-path /var/tmp/qt-src /usr/include
無論如何,看上面的線程中的答案中引用的討論,我在我的系統上搜尋了不同版本的gdb,但它們中的每一個都產生了相同的錯誤(當然路徑改變了),包括我下載它時版本7.3.1。我也找到libDebuggingHelper.so,但將它粘在不同的地方也沒有幫助。最後看看./configure --help for gdb,我沒有看到在構建中啓用/禁用python的任何選項。任何人都知道我如何才能使這個工作?
我想這一點,得到了'檢查是否使用Python ...是 檢查蟒蛇...(緩存)在/ usr/bin中/ Python的 的python2.6的檢查......沒有 配置:錯誤:蟒蛇在$ sudo make install後缺少或不可用。但'$ cd/usr/bin','$。/ python'說我使用的是2.6.5版本。知道交易在那裏? –
你需要安裝'python-2.6-dev'包。 'python'本身來自'python-minimal'或其他某些類,並且不足以開發依賴於'libpython'(比如GDB)的東西。 –
@僱傭俄羅斯嗚呼!這工作。問題解決了。注意'sudo apt-get install python-dev'是必要的命令。 –