我是一個新的程序集編程人員,我無法找到一個數字有多少個數字。我的目的是查找階乘。 我在組件的仿真器8086如何查找程序集8086中的位數?
我是一個新的程序集編程人員,我無法找到一個數字有多少個數字。我的目的是查找階乘。 我在組件的仿真器8086如何查找程序集8086中的位數?
.globl main
.type main, @function
movl $1024, %eax ;; pushing the integer (1024) to analyze
bsrl %eax, %eax ;; bit scan reverse (give the smallest non zero index)
inc %eax ;; taking the 0th index into account
但是,我想你需要的基地10個日誌,而不是基地2 ......所以,這裏將是代碼:
.globl main
.type main, @function
movl $1024, %eax ;; pushing the integer (1024) to analyze
bsrl %eax, %eax ;; bit scan reverse (give the smallest non zero index)
inc %eax ;; taking the 0th index into account
pushl %eax ;; saving the previous result on the stack
fildl (%esp) ;; loading the previous result to the FPU stack (st(0))
fldlg2 ;; loading log10(2) on the FPU stack
fmulp %st, %st(1) ;; multiplying %st(0) and %st(1) and storing result in %st(0)
;; We need to set the FPU control word to 'round-up' (and not 'round-down')
fstcw -2(%esp) ;; saving the old FPU control word
movw -2(%esp), %ax ;; storing the FPU control word in %ax
andw $0xf3ff, %ax ;; removing everything else
orw $0x0800, %ax ;; setting the proper bit to '1'
movw %ax, -4(%esp) ;; getting the value back to memory
fldcw -4(%esp) ;; setting the FPU control word to the proper value
frndint ;; rounding-up
fldcw -2(%esp) ;; restoring the old FPU control word
fistpl (%esp) ;; loading the final result to the stack
popl %eax ;; setting the return value to be our result
有沒有可以做一個base10對數的指令? – 2013-04-21 20:09:50
看看這個理論:http://stackoverflow.com/q/6655754/1353098。在實踐中,我不認爲有log10指令。你有權訪問任何可能暴露此函數的庫(如c庫或數學庫) – Will 2013-04-21 20:14:45
儘管x87可能派上用場。日誌是浮點處理器更可能擁有的東西。我認爲'FYL2X'可能是你的指令。 – Will 2013-04-21 20:19:12