2017-02-14 58 views

我不明白語法有什麼問題。未捕獲ReferenceError:賦值中無效的左側。 Javascript


    <title>HI there</title> 
    <meta lang="english"> 

     Enter the original string<input id="original" value="" type="text"> <br> 
     Enter the replacing string<input id="replacing" value="" type="text"><br> 
     Enter the location to be replaced<input id="tobereplaced" value="" type="text"><br> 
    <button type="submit" onclick="replace()">Submit</button> 
    <br> Here you go the replaced string is: 

     function replace() { 
      var original = document.getElementById("original").value; 
      var replacing = document.getElementById("replacing").value; 
      var tobereplaced = document.getElementById("tobereplaced").value; 
      var replaced = ""; 
      var originalLength = original.length; 
      var tobereplacedLength = tobereplaced.length; 
      var k = 0; 
      for (var i = 0; i < originalLength; i++) { 
       replaced.charAt(k) = original.charAt(i) 
       if (original.charAt(i) == replacing.charAt(0)) { 
        replaced = replaced + tobereplaced; 
        k = k + tobereplacedLength; 
      document.getElementById("replaced").innerHTML = replaced; 

    <h1 id="replaced"></h1> 



'replaced'是空字符串。這就是爲什麼你不能通過charAt()來訪問它。 – sandrooco


是的。謝謝@Sandrooco –



你正在試圖在沒有線改變一個空字符串的字符:28 [replaced.charAt(K)= original.charAt(I)],這是問題。 也有一些不必要的代碼增量。請在下面更正


 // var k = 0; //Commented 
     // debugger; //Commented 
     for (var i = 0; i < originalLength; i++) { 

      if (original.charAt(i) == replacing.charAt(0)) { 
       replaced = replaced + tobereplaced; 
       // k = k + tobereplacedLength; //Commented 
       // i++; //Commented 
      } else{ 
      replaced = replaced + original.charAt(i); 
      // k++; //Commented 

非常感謝。 –


我改進了代碼以重複字符並在上面更新。現在它的工作很完美。如果您需要任何幫助,請告訴我。 –


是的。再次感謝。 –


這是一個更簡單的方法來解決這個問題。它利用.split()& .join()函數而不是使用for循環。

function replace() { 
    // set original string 
    var original = document.getElementById("original").value, // << use commas so you don't have to keep typing var 
    // set replacing string 
    replacing = document.getElementById("replacing").value, 
    // initialize newval 
    // set replace position - this could also be called index 
    replacePosition = document.getElementById("tobereplaced").value; // << end variable declarations with semicolon 

    // split original string into array of characters 
    var splitOriginal = original.split(""); 
    // use replacePosition as index value of character to replace 
    // & replace that character with replacing value 
    splitOriginal[replacePosition] = replacing; 
    // join array to form new string value 
    newValue = splitOriginal.join(""); 

    document.getElementById("replaced").innerHTML = newValue; 


    <title>HI there</title> 
    <meta lang="english"> 

    Enter the original string 
    <input id="original" value="" type="text"> 
    <br>Enter the replacing string 
    <input id="replacing" value="" type="text"> 
    <br>Enter the location to be replaced 
    <input id="tobereplaced" value="" type="text"> 
    <button type="submit" onclick="replace()">Submit</button> 
    <br>Here you go the replaced string is: 


    <h1 id="replaced"></h1> 



是的,這工作得很好。但是我試圖在不使用內置函數的情況下工作。無論如何感謝兄弟。 –


@bharathkumarreddy哦,我的壞。我意識到你在帖子中沒有jQuery標籤。 jQuery是一個功能強大的JavaScript庫。如果你還沒有學到它,我會推薦它! – Inkdot


是的,我最近開始學習網絡開發。什麼技術是強制性的?謝謝。 –
