我的問題是如何將信息保存在NSUserDefaults中。 我已經使用NSDictionary,但我沒有取得任何進展。 所以我試圖將數組保存到NSUserDefaults。
- (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker
identifier:(ABMultiValueIdentifier)identifier {
// Only inspect the value if it's an address.
if (property == kABPersonAddressProperty) {
ABMutableMultiValueRef multiValue = ABRecordCopyValue(person, property);
for(CFIndex i=0;i<ABMultiValueGetCount(multiValue);i++)
ABMultiValueRef multi = ABRecordCopyValue(person, property);
// Set up an NSArray and copy the values in.
NSArray *theArray = [(id)ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues(multi) autorelease];
// Figure out which values we want and store the index.
const NSUInteger theIndex = ABMultiValueGetIndexForIdentifier(multi, identifier);
// Set up an NSDictionary to hold the contents of the array.
NSDictionary *dictionary = [theArray objectAtIndex:theIndex];
// Set up NSStrings to hold keys and values. First, how many are there?
const NSUInteger theCount = [dictionary count];
NSString *keys[theCount];
NSString *values[theCount];
// Get the keys and values from the CFDictionary. Note that because
// we're using the "GetKeysAndValues" function, you don't need to
// release keys or values. It's the "Get Rule" and only applies to
// CoreFoundation objects.
[dictionary getObjects:values andKeys:keys];
// Set the address label's text.
NSString *address;
address = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@, %@",
[dictionary objectForKey:(NSString *)kABPersonAddressStreetKey],
[dictionary objectForKey:(NSString *)kABPersonAddressCityKey],
[dictionary objectForKey:(NSString *)kABPersonAddressCountryKey]];
NSLog(@"%@", address);
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
NSUserDefaults *locatie = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
return NO;
我想選擇一個地址,然後用我選擇的地址填充數組,並且已經保存了它。我不知道該怎麼做。 – Nico 2010-09-15 09:25:35
你是什麼意思?如果你想保存/從NSUserDefaults使用我上面提到的..如果你想添加一個對象到數組使用addObject:像這樣: [youreArray addObject:adress]; – LarsJK 2010-09-15 10:28:48
你可以在我的代碼中看到我試圖從通訊錄中檢索數據並將其添加到NSArray中。現在我正在使用[locationArray addObjectsFromArray:theArray]; (@「%@」,locationArray); \t \t \t \t \t \t * NSUserDefaults的地區= [NSUserDefaults的standardUserDefaults]; \t \t \t NSData * data = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:locationArray]; NSLog(@「%@」,data); \t \t \t [locatie setObject:data forKey:@「array」]; \t \t \t [locatie synchronize]; 將nsarray添加到nsmutablearray並將其作爲NSdata添加到nsuserdefaults。我無法檢索數據,我收到一個(null) – Nico 2010-09-15 11:57:49