我知道有新的錯誤處理,即do/catch,但不知道它是否適用於此,即使這樣做對我來說,即使通過文檔也很困難。請有人給我看看正確的代碼塊。呼叫中的額外參數「錯誤」 - do/catch?
/*** error Extra argument 'error' in call ***/
var plistDic = NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(plistData!,
format: nil, error: &error) as Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, String>>
assert(error == nil, "Can not read data from the plist")
return plistDic
// END
let YALCityName = "name"
let YALCityText = "text"
let YALCityPicture = "picture"
private let kCitiesSourcePlist = "Cities"
class YALCity: Equatable {
var name: String
var text: String
var image: UIImage
var identifier: String
// MARK: Class methods
class internal func defaultContent() -> Dictionary<String, Dictionary<String, String>> {
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(kCitiesSourcePlist, ofType: "plist")
let plistData = NSData(contentsOfFile: path!)
assert(plistData != nil, "Source doesn't exist")
do {
let plistDic = try NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(plistData!,
format: nil
if let dictionary = plistDic as? Dictionary< String, Dictionary<String, String> > {
else {
print("Houston we have a problem")
catch let error as NSError {
return defaultContent()
init(record:CKRecord) {
self.name = record.valueForKey(YALCityName) as! String
self.text = record.valueForKey(YALCityText) as! String
let imageData = record.valueForKey(YALCityPicture) as! NSData
self.image = UIImage(data:imageData)!
self.identifier = record.recordID.recordName
func ==(lhs: YALCity, rhs: YALCity) -> Bool {
return lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier
看起來這個方法的swift版本被定義爲'throws',並且拋棄了'error'參數。這是Swift 2中可可API的一個非常常見的模式,有很多關於這方面的信息(由Apple的文檔開始)。 –