我的教授給我提供了一堆方法來填寫羅馬數字程序(以加法的格式,所以4 = IIII,9 = VIIII等)這兩種方法有什麼區別? JAVA
* This method prints, to the standard output and in purely additive
* notation, the Roman numeral corresponding to a natural number.
* If the input value is 0, nothing is printed. This
* method must call the method romanDigitChar().
* @param val ?
public void printRomanNumeral(int val)
* This method returns the Roman numeral digit corresponding
* to an integer value. You must use a nested-if statement.
* This method cannot perform any arithmetic operations.
* @param val ?
* @return ?
public char romanDigitChar(int val)
這問題似乎更適合問你的教授。 – nhgrif
沒錯,但我現在想做一些工作,現在是星期天。 – coinbird