function testclientInput() {
var iterations = 100;
var totalTime = 0;
// Record the starting time, in UTC milliseconds.
var start = new Date().getTime();
// Repeat the test the specified number of iterations.
for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// Execute the selector. The result does not need
// to be used or assigned to determine how long
// the selector itself takes to run.
// All tests done in ie6, ie7, ie8, ie9beta, firefox3.6, opera11 & chrome8
// slowest
// $('input.speedy[id$=_TextBox107]');
// Quick but only useful if you know the index.
// Fastest
// Record the ending time, in UTC milliseconds.
var end = new Date().getTime();
// Determine how many milliseconds elapsed
totalTime = (end - start);
// Report the average time taken by one iteration.
這是我想到的最好的。 $($('input[id$=_TextBox107]')[0]);
對不起,爲什麼不能使用`document.getElementById('_ TextBox107')`? ID無論如何都應該是唯一的 – Harmen 2011-01-06 20:16:08
@Harmen:他使用*屬性以*選擇符結束,所以`_TextBox107`只是ID的最後部分。 – user113716 2011-01-06 20:17:23
@Harmen:因爲asp控件的前綴是他們的父ID。我在我的問題中說明了這一點。 – 2011-01-06 20:19:24