2014-07-22 119 views


我已經隱藏apikey ...


public class handleStuff extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> 
      protected String doInBackground(String... arg0) { 
       return null; 

    private static byte[] buff = new byte[1024]; 
    void translateTest() 
     String apiKey = "HIDDEN..."; 
     String url = "https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key="+apiKey+"&source=en&target=de&q=Hello%20world"; 
     HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); 
     HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url); 

     try { 
      //et.append("Try \n"); 
      HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); 
      StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); 
      if(status.getStatusCode() != 200) { 
       //et.append("Error !200\n");  
      HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); 
      InputStream is = entity.getContent(); 
      ByteArrayOutputStream content = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 

      int readCount = 0; 
      while((readCount = is.read(buff)) != -1) 
       content.write(buff, 0, readCount); 
      String retVal = new String(content.toByteArray()); 
      Log.d("Output", retVal); 
      otp = retVal; 
      //et.append("Translate" + retVal); 

     } catch (Exception e) 
      //et.append("Exception:\n" + e.getMessage() + "\n"); 
      Log.d("Output", "Err:" + e.getMessage()); 
      //throw new ApiException("Server Connect Problem" + e.getMessage(), e); 


我加入了公共API訪問和輸入我的SHA1; COM .... (我也去窗口>首選項>安卓>建立>,並添加了調試SHA1)... 然而,當我運行它,我得到以下回應:

07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): { 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): "error": { 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): "errors": [ 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): { 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472):  "domain": "usageLimits", 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472):  "reason": "accessNotConfigured", 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472):  "message": "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project." 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): } 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): ], 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): "code": 403, 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): "message": "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project." 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): } 
07-21 22:07:07.264: D/Output(18472): } 

我知道我有正確的API密鑰,因爲它知道我的應用程序是不允許的。所以它必須是SHA1的東西; com ...我做錯了,任何幫助都會有用



在您的項目的Google API控制檯(https://console.developers.google.com/)中,轉到API和Auth> Credentials。在「瀏覽器應用程序密鑰」下,確保「引薦人」設置爲「允許的任何引薦人」。

如果不是,請單擊Edit Allowed Referrers並清除所有條目。


那是哪裏? – Jister13


這是Android應用程序的關鍵 – Jister13


但是,現在我意識到我正在使用Http請求...所以Google將它作爲瀏覽器處理。謝謝,如何將這個接口作爲一個Android應用程序? – Jister13