的 「Hello World ...你好世界......喂......世界的Hello World ...」
有點像股票磁帶,但具有相同文本的初軋成其最終瓦特/ OA間隙。
我試過使用動畫:選取框 CSS樣式,我可以得到文本滾動,然後跳回來,然後再滾動,但那不是我需要的。
的 「Hello World ...你好世界......喂......世界的Hello World ...」
有點像股票磁帶,但具有相同文本的初軋成其最終瓦特/ OA間隙。
我試過使用動畫:選取框 CSS樣式,我可以得到文本滾動,然後跳回來,然後再滾動,但那不是我需要的。
在這裏嘗試 「文字滾動」 處理文本&圖像和鼠標效果(JS + CSS)
$(document).ready(function() {
new Marquee('example', {
// once or continuous
continuous: true,
// 'rtl' or 'ltr'
direction: 'rtl',
// pause between loops
delayAfter: 1000,
// when to start
delayBefore: 0,
// scroll speed
speed: 0.5,
// loops
loops: -1
////////////////////////////// LIBRARY BELOW ///////
// See: http://www.cssscript.com/marquee-like-horizontal-scroller-with-pure-javascript-marquee-js/
\t Vanilla Javascript Marquee
\t Version: 0.1.0
\t Author: Robert Bossaert <https://github.com/robertbossaert>
\t Example call:
\t new Marquee('element');
\t new Marquee('element', {
\t \t direction: 'rtl',
\t });
var Marquee = function(element, defaults) {
"use strict";
var elem = document.getElementById(element),
options = (defaults === undefined) ? {} : defaults,
continuous = options.continuous || true, // once or continuous
delayAfter = options.delayAfter || 1000, // pause between loops
delayBefore = options.delayBefore || 0, // when to start
direction = options.direction || 'ltr', // ltr or rtl
loops = options.loops || -1,
speed = options.speed || 0.5,
timer = null,
milestone = 0,
marqueeElem = null,
elemWidth = null,
self = this,
ltrCond = 0,
loopCnt = 0,
start = 0,
process = null,
constructor = function(elem) {
// Build html
var elemHTML = elem.innerHTML,
elemNode = elem.childNodes[1] || elem;
elemWidth = elemNode.offsetWidth;
marqueeElem = '<div>' + elemHTML + '</div>';
elem.innerHTML = marqueeElem;
marqueeElem = elem.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
elem.style.overflow = 'hidden';
marqueeElem.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
marqueeElem.style.position = 'relative';
if (continuous === true) {
marqueeElem.innerHTML += elemHTML;
marqueeElem.style.width = '200%';
if (direction === 'ltr') {
start = -elemWidth;
} else {
ltrCond = elem.offsetWidth;
if (direction === 'rtl') {
milestone = ltrCond;
if (direction === 'ltr') {
milestone = -elemWidth;
} else if (direction === 'rtl') {
speed = -speed;
return marqueeElem;
this.start = function() {
process = window.setInterval(function() {
this.play = function() {
// beginning
marqueeElem.style.left = start + 'px';
start = start + speed;
if (start > ltrCond || start < -elemWidth) {
start = milestone;
if (loops !== -1 && loopCnt >= loops) {
marqueeElem.style.left = 0;
this.end = function() {
// Init plugin
marqueeElem = constructor(elem);
body {
background: #edf3f9;
color: #3f4f5f;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.container {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 800px;
header {
border-bottom: 2px solid #3f4f5f;
padding: 6.25em 0 3.95em;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
header h1 {
margin: 0 0 10px;
.example {
padding: 3em 0;
h2 {
text-align: center;
pre {
background: #f5f2f0;
color: #000;
font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', monospace;
line-height: 26px;
padding: 1em;
text-shadow: 0 1px white;
white-space: pre-wrap;
pre span.string {
color: #690;
pre span.number {
color: #905;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="example">
The quick brown fox ran over to the bar to drink some water. He walked up to the bar tender and said: blah blah blah.
我只是更仔細地看着他是如何做到這一點,不幸的是,在一個字母上有一個明顯的跳躍。因此,我會尋找其他庫來做到這一點(我也會進行一些搜索 - 我確定這裏有很多)。上面的lib使用javascript來持續更新計時器上的DOM。我想知道是否有更優雅的解決方案使用CSS轉換 – flyer
謝謝,傳單,是的,有一個跳躍,就像你說的。 @ Dreamer的樣本實際上是我想要的,儘管仍然努力根據我的需求進行定製。 – user2349195
噢好。是的,一個更好的工作。我發佈了一個使用它的演示文稿,他只提供了一個鏈接到圖書館。你的掙扎與正確的造型有關嗎?我不喜歡lib如何在元素上放置不必要的樣式(某些對於效果是必需的),所以我將它從演示中的爬蟲代碼中移除。 – flyer
這是基於LIB演示該夢想家發佈。 我不喜歡它如何在元素上設置內聯樣式,或者它如何使用cookie來存儲過去的設置,所以我在crawler.js代碼中刪除了它。
$(function() {
uniqueid: 'mycrawler',
style: {
inc: 5, //speed - pixel increment for each iteration of this marquee's movement
mouse: 'cursor driven', //mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)
moveatleast: 2,
neutral: 150,
persist: true,
savedirection: true
//////////////// CRAWLER.JS FOLLOWS ///////////
/* Text and/or Image Crawler Script v1.53 (c)2009-2012 John Davenport Scheuer
as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/
username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use
updated: 4/2011 for random order option, more (see below)
/* Update 4/2011 to v1.5 - Adds optional random property. Set it to true to use.
Fixes browser crash from empty crawlers, ad and image blocking software/routines.
Fixes behavior in some IE of breaking script if an image is missing.
Adds alt attributes to images without them to aid in diagnosis of missing/corrupt
images. This may be disabled with the new optional noAddedAlt property set to true.
Internal workings enhanced for greater speed of execution, less memory usage.
/* Update 11/2011 - Detect and randomize td elements within a single table with a single tr */
// updated 7/2012 to 1.51 for optional integration with 3rd party initializing scripts -
// ref: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/showthread.php?p=278161#post278161
// updated 8/2012 to 1.52 for greater compatibility with IE in Quirks Mode
/* Update 10/2012 to v1.53 - Adds optional persist property to have the crawler remember its
position and direction page to page and on page reload. To enable it in the marqueeInit set
persist: true,
///////////////// No Need to Edit - Configuration is Done in the On Page marqueeInit call(s) /////////////////
function marqueeInit(config) {
if (!document.createElement) return;
(function() {
if (!document.createElement) return;
if (typeof opera === 'undefined') {
window.opera = false;
marqueeInit.ar = [];
document.write('<style type="text/css">.marquee{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;}' +
var c = 0,
tTRE = [/^\s*$/, /^\s*/, /\s*$/, /[^\/]+$/],
req1 = {
'position': 'relative',
'overflow': 'hidden'
defaultconfig = {
style: { //default style object for marquee containers without configured style
'margin': '0 auto'
direction: 'left',
inc: 2, //default speed - pixel increment for each iteration of a marquee's movement
mouse: 'pause' //default mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)
dash, ie = false,
oldie = 0,
ie5 = false,
iever = 0;
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if(@_jscript_version >= 5)
ie = true;
try{document.documentMode = 2000}catch(e){};
iever = Math.min(document.documentMode, navigator.appVersion.replace(/^.*MSIE (\d+\.\d+).*$/, '$1'));
if(iever < 6)
oldie = 1;
if(iever < 5.5){
Array.prototype.push = function(el){this[this.length] = el;};
ie5 = true;
dash = /(-(.))/;
String.prototype.encamel = function(s, m){
s = this;
while((m = dash.exec(s)))
s = s.replace(m[1], m[2].toUpperCase());
return s;
@end @*/
if (!ie5) {
dash = /-(.)/g;
function toHump(a, b) {
return b.toUpperCase();
String.prototype.encamel = function() {
return this.replace(dash, toHump);
if (ie && iever < 8) {
marqueeInit.table = [];
window.attachEvent('onload', function() {
marqueeInit.OK = true;
var i = -1,
limit = marqueeInit.table.length;
while (++i < limit)
function intable(el) {
while ((el = el.parentNode))
if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'table')
return true;
return false;
marqueeInit.run = function(id) {
if (ie && !marqueeInit.OK && iever < 8 && intable(document.getElementById(id))) {
if (!document.getElementById(id))
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
new Marq(c++, document.getElementById(id));
function trimTags(tag) {
var r = [],
i = 0,
while ((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType === 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue))
while ((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType === 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue))
if ((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType === 3)
e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[1], '');
if ((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType === 3)
e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[2], '');
while ((e = tag.firstChild))
r[i++] = tag.removeChild(e);
return r;
function randthem(tag) {
var els = oldie ? tag.all : tag.getElementsByTagName('*'),
i = els.length,
childels = [];
while (--i > -1) {
if (els[i].parentNode === tag) {
childels.sort(function() {
return 0.5 - Math.random();
i = childels.length;
while (--i > -1) {
function Marq(c, tag) {
var p, u, s, a, ims, ic, i, marqContent, cObj = this;
this.mq = marqueeInit.ar[c];
if (this.mq.random) {
if (tag.getElementsByTagName && tag.getElementsByTagName('tr').length === 1 && tag.childNodes.length === 1) {
} else {
for (p in defaultconfig)
if ((this.mq.hasOwnProperty && !this.mq.hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!this.mq.hasOwnProperty && !this.mq[p]))
this.mq[p] = defaultconfig[p];
this.mq.style.width = !this.mq.style.width || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.width)) ? '100%' : this.mq.style.width;
if (!tag.getElementsByTagName('img')[0])
this.mq.style.height = !this.mq.style.height || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.height)) ? tag.offsetHeight + 3 + 'px' : this.mq.style.height;
this.mq.style.height = !this.mq.style.height || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.height)) ? 'auto' : this.mq.style.height;
u = this.mq.style.width.split(/\d/);
this.cw = this.mq.style.width ? [parseInt(this.mq.style.width), u[u.length - 1]] : ['a'];
marqContent = trimTags(tag);
tag.className = tag.id = '';
tag.removeAttribute('class', 0);
tag.removeAttribute('id', 0);
if (ie)
tag.removeAttribute('className', 0);
tag.className = ['marquee', c].join('');
tag.style.overflow = 'hidden';
this.c = tag.firstChild;
this.c.style.visibility = 'hidden';
a = [
[req1, this.c.style],
[this.mq.style, this.c.style]
for (i = a.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
for (p in a[i][0])
if ((a[i][0].hasOwnProperty && a[i][0].hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!a[i][0].hasOwnProperty))
a[i][1][p.encamel()] = a[i][0][p];
this.m = this.c.firstChild;
if (this.mq.mouse === 'pause') {
this.c.onmouseover = function() {
cObj.mq.stopped = true;
this.c.onmouseout = function() {
cObj.mq.stopped = false;
this.m.style.position = 'absolute';
this.m.style.left = '-10000000px';
this.m.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
if (ie5) this.c.firstChild.appendChild((this.m = document.createElement('nobr')));
if (!this.mq.noAddedSpace)
for (i = 0; marqContent[i]; ++i)
if (ie5) this.m = this.c.firstChild;
ims = this.m.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (ims.length) {
for (ic = 0, i = 0; i < ims.length; ++i) {
ims[i].style.display = 'inline';
if (!ims[i].alt && !this.mq.noAddedAlt) {
ims[i].alt = (tTRE[3].exec(ims[i].src)) || ('Image #' + [i + 1]);
if (!ims[i].title) {
ims[i].title = '';
ims[i].style.display = 'inline';
ims[i].style.verticalAlign = ims[i].style.verticalAlign || 'top';
if (typeof ims[i].complete === 'boolean' && ims[i].complete)
else {
ims[i].onload = ims[i].onerror = function() {
if (++ic === ims.length)
if (ic === ims.length)
} else this.setup(c)
Marq.prototype.setup = function(c) {
if (this.mq.setup) return;
this.mq.setup = this;
var s, w, cObj = this,
exit = 10000;
if (this.c.style.height === 'auto')
this.c.style.height = this.m.offsetHeight + 4 + 'px';
this.m = [this.m, this.m.nextSibling];
if (typeof this.mq.initcontent === 'function') {
this.mq.initcontent.apply(this.mq, [this.m]);
if (this.mq.mouse === 'cursor driven') {
this.r = this.mq.neutral || 16;
this.sinc = this.mq.inc;
this.c.onmousemove = function(e) {
cObj.mq.stopped = false;
if (this.mq.moveatleast) {
this.mq.inc = this.mq.moveatleast;
if (this.mq.savedirection) {
if (this.mq.savedirection === 'reverse') {
this.c.onmouseout = function(e) {
if (cObj.contains(e)) return;
cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;
cObj.mq.direction = cObj.mq.direction === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
} else {
this.mq.savedirection = this.mq.direction;
this.c.onmouseout = function(e) {
if (cObj.contains(e)) return;
cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;
cObj.mq.direction = cObj.mq.savedirection;
} else
this.c.onmouseout = function(e) {
if (!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;
} else
this.c.onmouseout = function(e) {
if (!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.slowdeath();
this.w = this.m[0].offsetWidth;
this.m[0].style.left = 0;
this.c.id = 'marq_kill_marg_bord';
this.m[0].style.top = this.m[1].style.top = Math.floor((this.c.offsetHeight - this.m[0].offsetHeight)/2 - oldie) + 'px';
this.c.id = '';
this.c.removeAttribute('id', 0);
this.m[1].style.left = this.w + 'px';
s = this.mq.moveatleast ? Math.max(this.mq.moveatleast, this.sinc) : (this.sinc || this.mq.inc);
while (this.c.offsetWidth > this.w - s && --exit) {
w = isNaN(this.cw[0]) ? this.w - s : --this.cw[0];
if (w < 1 || this.w < Math.max(1, s)) {
this.c.style.width = isNaN(this.cw[0]) ? this.w - s + 'px' : --this.cw[0] + this.cw[1];
this.c.style.visibility = 'visible';
Marq.prototype.slowdeath = function() {
var cObj = this;
if (this.mq.inc) {
this.mq.inc -= 1;
this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
Marq.prototype.runit = function() {
var cObj = this,
d = this.mq.direction === 'right' ? 1 : -1;
if (this.mq.stopped || this.mq.stopMarquee) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
if (this.mq.mouse != 'cursor driven')
this.mq.inc = Math.max(1, this.mq.inc);
if (d * parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) >= this.w)
this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px';
if (d * parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) >= this.w)
this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px';
this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) + d * this.mq.inc + 'px';
this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) + d * this.mq.inc + 'px';
setTimeout(function() {
}, 30 + (this.mq.addDelay || 0));
Marq.prototype.directspeed = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
var c = this.c,
w = c.offsetWidth,
l = c.offsetLeft,
mp = (typeof e.pageX === 'number' ?
e.pageX : e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft) - l,
lb = (w - this.r)/2,
rb = (w + this.r)/2;
while ((c = c.offsetParent)) mp -= c.offsetLeft;
this.mq.direction = mp > rb ? 'left' : 'right';
this.mq.inc = Math.round((mp > rb ? (mp - rb) : mp < lb ? (lb - mp) : 0)/lb * this.sinc);
Marq.prototype.contains = function(e) {
if (e && e.relatedTarget) {
var c = e.relatedTarget;
if (c === this.c) return true;
while ((c = c.parentNode))
if (c === this.c) return true;
return false;
function resize() {
for (var s, w, m, i = 0; i < marqueeInit.ar.length; ++i) {
if (marqueeInit.ar[i] && marqueeInit.ar[i].setup) {
m = marqueeInit.ar[i].setup;
s = m.mq.moveatleast ? Math.max(m.mq.moveatleast, m.sinc) : (m.sinc || m.mq.inc);
m.c.style.width = m.mq.style.width;
m.cw[0] = m.cw.length > 1 ? parseInt(m.mq.style.width) : 'a';
while (m.c.offsetWidth > m.w - s) {
w = isNaN(m.cw[0]) ? m.w - s : --m.cw[0];
if (w < 1) {
m.c.style.width = isNaN(m.cw[0]) ? m.w - s + 'px' : --m.cw[0] + m.cw[1];
function unload() {
for (var m, i = 0; i < marqueeInit.ar.length; ++i) {
if (marqueeInit.ar[i] && marqueeInit.ar[i].persist && marqueeInit.ar[i].setup) {
m = marqueeInit.ar[i].setup;
m.cookie.set(m.mq.uniqueid, m.m[0].style.left + ':' + m.m[1].style.left + ':' + m.mq.direction);
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false);
window.addEventListener('unload', unload, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onresize', resize);
window.attachEvent('onunload', unload);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler">
Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.
我不認爲它可能只用CSS。但與JS,檢查這[帖子](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee)。 – jfeferman
你見過這個嗎? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21233033/css3-marquee-effect – yuriy636
它已經過時了,但你可以去走馬燈元素老派...這裏是一個例子'' [https://www.codeply.com/go/URsa9kT9wO) – cwanjt