2016-04-15 62 views

我有一個數字遊戲,其中有一個4x4板。對於第1行,每個塊的名稱是board11,board12,board13,board14。事情就是這樣。 然後在每個塊上是一個來自css的png圖像。 這裏的CSS代碼片段:CSS圖像爲JavaScript,爲圖像賦值並添加它們

div#gamearea4x4 div.row1#board11{ 
    background-image: url(../graphics/9.png); //images are from 1.png to 9.png 
    width: 50px; 
    height: 50px; 

每個塊的圖像可以改變。隨機化將在JavaScript中完成。 我想要做的是從CSS獲取背景圖像到JavaScript,給它分配一個值(1.png是1,2.png是2等),以便每次我單擊塊/圖像時,它會顯示在我的記分板上(值+ 5)。所以點擊7.png會給我12分。

我的主要問題是,我不知道我怎麼可以從CSS獲取圖像並分配值。 這是我迄今(JavaScript的):

function StartGame() { 

///// this function gets the board id(loop) and assigns a random img to it 

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { 
     for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { 
     var id = 'board' + (i + 1) + (j + 1); //loop for the board id 

     var w = val[Math.floor(Math.random()*img.num.length)]; //getting a random value 

     var obj = document.getElementById(id); 
     var uu = 'url(graphics/' + w + '.png)'; //random image generated from random value 

     document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundImage = uu; //setting it as the id's image 



function ImageOnClick(target) { 
///// this function will calculate the score 

    var vvv = document.getElementById(target).style.backgroundImage; //gets targeted id 

    document.getElementById(target).style.display='none'; //img disappears when clicked 
    score = score + 5; // incomplete equation. var score defined on top. 
    document.getElementById('scoreval').innerHTML= score ; 


<div id="gamearea4x4"> 

     <div class="row1" id="board11" onmouseover="ImageOnHover(this.id)" onmouseout="ImageOnOut(this.id)" onclick="ImageOnClick(this.id)"></div> 
     <div class="row1" id="board12" onmouseover="ImageOnHover(this.id)" onmouseout="ImageOnOut(this.id)" onclick="ImageOnClick(this.id)"></div>) 
     <div class="row1" id="board13" onmouseover="ImageOnHover(this.id)" onmouseout="ImageOnOut(this.id)" onclick="ImageOnClick(this.id)"></div> 



哪'部分javascript'嘗試檢索'背景圖片'從'css'?你可以在問題中包含'html'嗎? – guest271314


好的,完成了! :D – Runa


'score'在哪裏定義? – guest271314




function StartGame() { 
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { 
     for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { 
     var id = 'board' + (i + 1) + (j + 1); //loop for the board id 

     var w = val[Math.floor(Math.random()*img.num.length)]; //getting a random value 

     var obj = document.getElementById(id); 
     var uu = 'url(graphics/' + w + '.png)'; //random image generated from random value 

     document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundImage = uu; //setting it as the id's image 
     document.getElementById(id).setAttribute("data-position", w);//set the attribute 

function ImageOnClick(target) { 
///// this function will calculate the score 

    var vvv = document.getElementById(target).getAttribute("data-position") //gets targeted id 

    document.getElementById(target).style.display='none'; //img disappears when clicked 
    score = score + 5; // incomplete equation. var score defined on top. 
    document.getElementById('scoreval').innerHTML= score ; 



window.onload = function() { 

var elem = document.getElementById("board11"); 
var url = window.getComputedStyle(elem).getPropertyValue("background-image"); 
console.log(url.replace(/^url(?=\()|\(|\)|"/g, "")); 
div#gamearea4x4 div.row1#board11 { 
    background-image: url(http://lorempixel.com/1/1); //images are from 1.png to 9.png 
    width: 50px; 
    height: 50px; 
<div id="gamearea4x4"> 
    <div class="row1" id="board11"></div> 