此代碼不起作用。請幫助修復它.............................................. .................................................. .................java使用遞歸查找字符串中的子串
Recursive method for looking for a substring in a string.
@param text look in
@param target look for as substring
@return true if target is a substring of text
public static boolean find(String text, String target)
//-----------Start below here. To do: approximate lines of code = 4
// 1. base case: null
if (text == null) {return false;}
//2. base case: target too long
if (target.length() > text.length()) {return false;}
//3. base case: same length
if (text.length() == target.length()) {return false;}
//4. base case: startsWith OR 5. recursive case
return true;
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