2014-01-18 53 views


Downloading/unpacking pytransmit 
    Getting page https://pypi.python.org/simple/pytransmit/ 
    URLs to search for versions for pytransmit: 
    * https://pypi.python.org/simple/pytransmit/ 
    Analyzing links from page https://pypi.python.org/simple/PyTransmit/ 
    Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pytransmit 
Cleaning up... 
    Removing temporary dir c\temp\pip_build_dd... 
No distributions at all found for pytransmit 
Exception information: 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pip\basecommand.py", line 122, in main 
    status = self.run(options, args) 
    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pip\commands\install.py", line 270, in run 
    requirement_set.prepare_files(finder, force_root_egg_info=self.bundle, bundle=self.bundle) 
    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pip\req.py", line 1157, in prepare_files 
    url = finder.find_requirement(req_to_install, upgrade=self.upgrade) 
    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pip\index.py", line 285, in find_requirement 
    raise DistributionNotFound('No distributions at all found for %s' % req) 
DistributionNotFound: No distributions at all found for pytransmit 



似乎沒有成爲你的包HTTPS任何下載的文件://的PyPI .python.org/pypi/PyTransmit –


@Bibhas是的,如何上傳? – ajkumar25


現在通過'pip install pytransmit'工作 - 很好的工作! –



您沒有任何可下載的文件。你可以關注the official tutorial並上傳你的軟件包文件。

Essencially你需要先註冊你的包 -

python setup.py register 

,然後上傳distributables -

python setup.py sdist bdist_wininst upload