爲什麼Google Map沒有在發佈認證密鑰上顯示?爲什麼Google Map無法顯示發佈密鑰?
09-10 11:01:25.361: E/b(21729): Authentication failed on the server.
09-10 11:01:25.361: E/Google Maps Android API(21729): Authorization failure. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start for how to correctly set up the map.
09-10 11:01:25.391: E/Google Maps Android API(21729): In the Google Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com)
09-10 11:01:25.391: E/Google Maps Android API(21729): Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled.
09-10 11:01:25.391: E/Google Maps Android API(21729): Ensure that the following Android Key exists:
09-10 11:01:25.391: E/Google Maps Android API(21729): API Key: AIzaSyBiDi1b8SwwYsr08rbRtI6UJt71kwbZrNE
09-10 11:01:25.391: E/Google Maps Android API(21729): Android Application (<cert_fingerprint>;<package_name>): 4F:B8:B5:15:F1:FB:2F:6D:27:00:2E:C4:91:B8:FE:E1:18:7D:46:80;bamb.nitaf.wedding
如果您對應用程序的發行版和調試版使用單獨的簽名密鑰,則必須在開發人員控制檯中提供這兩個密鑰。 – Breavyn
您是否知道,您需要爲發行版本生成單獨的SSH密鑰 – Nabin
如何爲發行版本生成單獨的SSH密鑰? –