2011-10-06 27 views



set newFile to add aFileName as POSIX file to ipod_lib 
set current_track to newFile 
set jpegFilename to ":temp:artwork.jpg" as string 
set data of artwork 1 of current_track to (read (file jpegFilename) as picture) 
tell current_track 
    set name to "Song Name" as string 
    set artist to "Custom Artist" as string 
    set album to "Custom Album" as string 
    set year to "2011" as string 
    set track number to "1" as number 
    set track count to "38" as number 
end tell 

凡aFileName是一個mp3的路徑。 我正在使用Script Debugger 4.5測試它,它工作正常,但是當我將代碼複製到我的Xcode項目並運行它時,不會將其他元數據設置爲藝術作品。 但如果我評論的「設置藝術作品的數據。」行,則它設置其他元數據(名稱,藝術家等)


NSString *scriptote = @"with timeout of 600 seconds\n" 
    "tell application \"iTunes\"\n" 
    "set newFile to add aFileName as POSIX file to ipod_lib\n" 
    "set current_track to newFile\n" 
    "set jpegFilename to \":temp:artwork.jpg\" as string\n" 
    // If a comment the following line, everything else works, if I left this line, no meta data is set. 
    "set data of artwork 1 of current_track to (read (file jpegFilename) as picture)\n" 
    "tell current_track\n" 
    "set name to \"Song Name\" as string\n" 
    "set artist to \"Custom Artist\" as string\n" 
    "set album to \"Custom Album\" as string\n" 
    "set year to \"2011\" as string\n" 
    "set track number to \"1\" as number\n" 
    "set track count to \"38\" as number\n" 
    "end tell\n" 

    if ((ascript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:scriptote])) { 
     status = [[ascript executeAndReturnError:&errorInfo] stringValue]; 
     if (!errorInfo) { 
      // do something 
      NSLog(@"NO Error"); 
     } else { 
      // process errors 
      // NSRange errorRange = [[errorInfo objectForKey:@"NSAppleScriptErrorRange"] rangeValue]; 
      NSLog(@"Error\n Error line: "); 
     [ascript release]; 

我一直谷歌搜索了很多小時,但沒有運氣。 我不想使用ScriptBridge框架,因爲我需要翻譯大量的applescript,所以它現在不適合我。






問題是HFS路徑格式樣式需要包含卷名稱和NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomain的完整路徑,並且任何其他NSFileManager方法返回以/ Users/....開頭的路徑,我需要這樣的路徑:Macintosh HD/Users/...


// Get an HFS-style reference to a specified file 
// (imagePath is an NSString * containing a POSIX-style path to the artwork image file) 
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:imagePath]; 
NSString *pathFormatted = (NSString *)CFURLCopyFileSystemPath((CFURLRef)fileURL, kCFURLHFSPathStyle); 


希望這會幫助別人有一天 - )


謝謝你謝謝你謝謝你。 – roocell
