function Plugin(element, options) {
this.element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
this.item = 0;
Plugin.prototype = {
init: function() {
var base = this;
if (this.options.legend === "on") {
html = "<div id='legend'/>";
// store index of currently active image
base.item = $("#img-container").children(".active").index();
// only animate if the new index is different from the current
if (base.item !== $(this).index()) {
// call animation effect
base.move(base.item, $(this).index());
// add active class to selected index and remove any previous active classes from other indices
base.updateIndex("#legend", $(this).index());
base.updateIndex("#img-container", $(this).index());
if (this.options.autoplay === "on") {
return this;
updateIndex: function(el, index) {
play: function() {
var base = this;
setInterval(function() {
if (base.item === base.options.images.length-1) {
base.updateIndex("#img-container", 0);
base.updateIndex("#legend", 0);
base.move(base.item, 0);
base.item = 0;
else {
base.updateIndex("#img-container", base.item+1);
base.updateIndex("#legend", base.item+1);
base.move(base.item, base.item+1);
base.item += 1;
}, base.options.pduration);
// animation effect for changing image indices
move: function(cur, dest) {
$("#img-container > img").animate({
"right": "+=" + 100 * (dest-cur) + "%"
}, this.options.aduration, this.options.easing);
「作弊」是最好的學習方式! – mash
看着現有的代碼==作弊,讓別人解決問題!=作弊? – Imperative
問題是我會看到其他功能,我可能想在稍後寫一些自己的功能。我只想幫助解決這個問題。 – tenub