#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Employee
string firstN;
string lastN;
float salary;
float bonus;
float deduction;
Employee *link;
typedef Employee* EmployPtr;
void insertAtHead(EmployPtr&, string, string, float, float,float);
void insert(EmployPtr&, string, string, float, float,float);
float netSalary(EmployPtr&);
int main()
//Open file
fstream in("payroll.txt", ios::in);
//Read lines
string first, last;
float salary, bonus, deduction;
EmployPtr head = new Employee;
//Inserts all the data into a new node in the linked list, creating a new node each time the loop executes.
while(in >> first >> last >> salary >> bonus >> deduction)
insertAtHead (head, first, last, salary, bonus, deduction);
//Close file
cout << "-Salary in the range of ($45,000 - $60,000)-\n" << "Printed in format: First Name, Last Name, Salary, Bonus, Deduction, Net Salary.\n";
EmployPtr iter, temp;
for(iter = head; iter!= NULL; iter = iter->link)
temp = head;
//Deletes nodes outside of range.
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = temp;
temp = temp->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
cout << iter->firstN << ", " << iter->lastN << ", " << iter->salary << ", " << iter->bonus << ", " << iter->deduction << ", " << netSalary(iter) <<endl;
return 0;
//Based off of the input values, this function will create a new node and insert it at the beginning of the linked list. This function ONLY allows insertion at the beginning of the list and no where else.
void insertAtHead(EmployPtr& head, string firstValue, string lastValue,
float salaryValue, float bonusValue,float deductionValue)
EmployPtr tempPtr= new Employee;
tempPtr->firstN = firstValue;
tempPtr->lastN = lastValue;
tempPtr->salary = salaryValue;
tempPtr->bonus = bonusValue;
tempPtr->deduction = deductionValue;
tempPtr->link = head;
head = tempPtr;
//Based off of the input values, this function creates a new node and inserts it AFTER the node provided in the argument.
void insert(EmployPtr& afterNode, string firstValue, string lastValue,
float salaryValue, float bonusValue,float deductionValue)
EmployPtr tempPtr= new Employee;
tempPtr->firstN = firstValue;
tempPtr->lastN = lastValue;
tempPtr->salary = salaryValue;
tempPtr->bonus = bonusValue;
tempPtr->deduction = deductionValue;
tempPtr->link = afterNode->link;
afterNode->link = tempPtr;
//This function calculates a net salary based off of the salary, bonus, and deduction variables of the input node.
float netSalary(EmployPtr& node)
float netSalary, newDeduction;
newDeduction = ((node->salary) + (node->bonus)) * (node->deduction);
netSalary = (node->salary + node->bonus) - newDeduction;
return netSalary;
編輯:改變& &回||仍然有問題。
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = new Employee;
nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
我其實是有它作爲「或」,但改變了它到'和'出於絕望(我正在嘗試所有的東西......),並忘記在發佈之前將它改回來,但正如你所說的那樣,打印所有東西但不打印任何東西。 – DomBavetta
也許在while循環中,打印出正在被刪除的節點,然後打印出這些節點的淨工資。這會讓你更好地看看循環中發生了什麼。 –
那麼問題就在於每個節點都被刪除了,所以沒有什麼可以打印出來的。 – DomBavetta