pageLoaded = time page loaded in browser
imageUpdated = time the image was uploaded to server
if imageUpdated is not within 20 seconds of pageLoaded:
display notlive.jpg
run AJAXCam
的AJAXCam代碼(最初由<body onLoad="holdUp()">
<script type="text/javascript">
//AJAXCam v0.8b (c) 2005 Douglas Turecek http://www.ajaxcam.com
function holdUp()
// This function is first called either by an onLoad event in the <body> tag
// or some other event, like onClick.
// Set the value of refreshFreq to how often (in seconds)
// you want the picture to refresh
//after the refresh time elapses, go and update the picture
setTimeout("freshPic()", refreshFreq*1000);
function freshPic()
// Get the source value for the picture
// e.g. http://www.mysite.com/doug.jpg and
var currentPath=document.campic.src;
// Declare a new array to put the trimmed part of the source
// value in
var trimmedPath=new Array();
// Take everything before a question mark in the source value
// and put it in the array we created e.g. doug.jpg?0.32234 becomes
// doug.jpg (with the 0.32234 going into the second array spot
// Take the source value and tack a qustion mark followed by a random number
// This makes the browser treat it as a new image and not use the cached copy
document.campic.src = trimmedPath[0] + "?" + Math.random();
// Go back and wait again.
// -->
對於那些誰可能會發現這個問題,並面臨着類似的問題,我發現cavemonkey50的[網絡攝像頭更新腳本](http://cavemonkey50.com/code/webcam_update_script/)。將他的PHP和AJAXCam的腳本結合起來,實現了我原本打算的結果。 – bobby 2010-10-11 20:05:59