2015-08-19 98 views


line a 
line b 
    line ba 
    line bb 
    line bba 
    line bc 
line c 
    line ca 
    line caa 
line d 



'line a' => {}, 
'line b' => { 
    'line ba' => {}, 
    'line bb' => { 
    'line bba' => {} 
    'line bc' => {} 
'line c' => { 
    'line ca' => { 
    'line caa' => {} 
'line d' => {} 


def parse_message_to_tree(message): 
    buf = StringIO(message) 
    return parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, 0) 

def parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, prev): 
    ret = {} 
    for line in buf: 
     line = line.rstrip() 
     index = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) 
     print (line + " => " + str(index)) 
     if index > prev: 
      ret[line.strip()] = parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, index) 
      ret[line.strip()] = {} 

    return ret 




{'line a': {}, 
'line b': {}, 
'line ba': {'line bb': {}, 
      'line bba': {'line bc': {}, 
          'line c': {}, 
          'line ca': {}, 
          'line caa': {}, 
          'line d': {}}}} 

你見過autovivifyingating樹hack了嗎?可以爲你節省一些擊鍵:'tree = lambda:defaultdict(tree); t = tree(); t ['a'] ['b'] ['c'] =「bla」' –




但問題在於,當你意識到該行的索引增加時,line實際上指向增加的索引行,例如,在第一種情況下,我們注意到行的索引增加爲line ba,所以lineline ba,然後在你的if情況下,你做 -

ret[line.strip()] = parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, index) 

這是錯誤的,因爲你會被設置無論是通過parse_message_to_tree_helper()返回line ba,而不是其實際的父。另外,一旦你在函數內部遞進,除非文件已被完全讀取,否則你不會出來,但是在字典中存儲某一行的級別取決於當縮進減少時遞歸出來的級別。

我不知道,如果有,我能想出(基於大量的代碼)的任何內置庫,這將幫助你做到這一點,但一碼 -

def parse_message_to_tree(message): 
    buf = StringIO(message) 
    return parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, 0, None)[0] 

def parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, prev, prevline): 
    ret = {} 
    index = -1 
    for line in buf: 
     line = line.rstrip() 
     index = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) 
     print (line + " => " + str(index)) 
     if index > prev: 
      ret[prevline.strip()],prevline,index = parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, index, line) 
      if index < prev: 
       return ret,prevline,index 
     elif not prevline: 
      ret[line.strip()] = {} 
      ret[prevline.strip()] = {} 
     if index < prev: 
      return ret,line,index 
     prevline = line 
    if index == -1: 
     ret[prevline.strip()] = {} 
     return ret,None,index 
    if prev == index: 
     ret[prevline.strip()] = {} 
    return ret,None,0 

示例/演示 -

>>> print(s) 
line a 
line b 
    line ba 
    line bb 
    line bba 
    line bc 
line c 
    line ca 
    line caa 
>>> def parse_message_to_tree(message): 
...  buf = StringIO(message) 
...  return parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, 0, None)[0] 
>>> def parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, prev, prevline): 
...  ret = {} 
...  index = -1 
...  for line in buf: 
...   line = line.rstrip() 
...   index = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) 
...   print (line + " => " + str(index)) 
...   if index > prev: 
...    ret[prevline.strip()],prevline,index = parse_message_to_tree_helper(buf, index, line) 
...    if index < prev: 
...     return ret,prevline,index 
...    continue 
...   elif not prevline: 
...    ret[line.strip()] = {} 
...   else: 
...    ret[prevline.strip()] = {} 
...   if index < prev: 
...    return ret,line,index 
...   prevline = line 
...  if index == -1: 
...   ret[prevline.strip()] = {} 
...   return ret,None,index 
...  if prev == index: 
...   ret[prevline.strip()] = {} 
...  return ret,None,0 
>>> pprint.pprint(parse_message_to_tree(s)) 
line a => 0 
line b => 0 
    line ba => 2 
    line bb => 2 
    line bba => 4 
    line bc => 2 
line c => 0 
    line ca => 2 
    line caa => 4 
{'line a': {}, 
'line b': {'line ba': {}, 'line bb': {'line bba': {}}, 'line bc': {}}, 
'line c': {'line ca': {'line caa': {}}}} 
>>> s = """line a 
... line b 
... line ba 
... line bb 
...  line bba 
... line bc 
... line c 
... line ca 
...  line caa 
... line d""" 
>>> pprint.pprint(parse_message_to_tree(s)) 
line a => 0 
line b => 0 
    line ba => 2 
    line bb => 2 
    line bba => 4 
    line bc => 2 
line c => 0 
    line ca => 2 
    line caa => 4 
line d => 0 
{'line a': {}, 
'line b': {'line ba': {}, 'line bb': {'line bba': {}}, 'line bc': {}}, 
'line c': {'line ca': {'line caa': {}}}, 
'line d': {}} 



謝謝。我想通了,我需要在參數中包含前一行,但我還沒有得到彈出的問題。 – ewok



string.lstrip(S [,字符])

返回字符串的一個副本主角被刪除。如果省略字符或無,則刪除空白字符。如果給出 而不是無,則字符必須是字符串;字符串 中的字符將從字符串的起始處被剝離,該方法的調用方法爲 。



單數。它之前沒有工作,但現在似乎更接近於工作。我現在遇到的問題是它不會在「行c」和「行d」上「彈出」。所以'line c'在'line bba'的地圖 – ewok


實際上它的結構比它更糟糕:'{'line a':{},'line b':{},'line ba':{'line bb ':{'line bb':{'line bc':{},'line ca':{},'line c':{},'line d':{},'line caa':{} }}}' – ewok



text = '''line a 
line b 
    line ba 
    line bb 
    line bba 
    line bc 
line c 
    line ca 
    line caa 
line d''' 

root_tree = {} 
stack = [] 
prev_indent, prev_tree = -1, root_tree 

for line in text.splitlines(): 

    # compute current line's indent and strip the line 
    origlen = len(line) 
    line = line.lstrip() 
    indent = origlen - len(line) 
    print indent, line 

    # no matter what, every line has its own tree, so let's create it. 
    tree = {} 

    # where to attach this new tree is dependent on indent, prev_indent 
    # assume: stack[-1] was the right attach point for the previous line 
    # then: let's adjust the stack to make that true for the current line 

    if indent < prev_indent: 
     while stack[-1][0] >= indent: 
    elif indent > prev_indent: 
     stack.append((prev_indent, prev_tree)) 

    # at this point: stack[-1] is the right attach point for the current line 
    parent_indent, parent_tree = stack[-1] 
    assert parent_indent < indent 

    # attach the current tree 
    parent_tree[line] = tree 

    # update state 
    prev_indent, prev_tree = indent, tree 

print len(stack) 
print stack 
print root_tree