public class VisitorManager : HashSet<object>
delegate void Visitor(VisitorManager manager, object entity);
Dictionary<Type, Visitor> _visitors = new Dictionary<Type, Visitor>();
void ConvertToUpperEnum(IEnumerable entity)
// TODO: this can be parallelized, but then we should thread-safe lock the cache
foreach (var obj in entity)
public void ConvertToUpper(object entity)
if (entity != null && !Contains(entity))
var visitor = GetCachedVisitor(entity.GetType());
if (visitor != null)
visitor(this, entity);
Type _lastType;
Visitor _lastVisitor;
Visitor GetCachedVisitor(Type type)
if (type == _lastType)
return _lastVisitor;
_lastType = type;
return _lastVisitor = GetVisitor(type);
Visitor GetVisitor(Type type)
Visitor result;
if (!_visitors.TryGetValue(type, out result))
_visitors[type] = result = BuildVisitor(type);
return result;
static MethodInfo _toUpper = typeof(string).GetMethod("ToUpper", new Type[0]);
static MethodInfo _convertToUpper = typeof(VisitorManager).GetMethod("ConvertToUpper", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
static MethodInfo _convertToUpperEnum = typeof(VisitorManager).GetMethod("ConvertToUpperEnum", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Visitor BuildVisitor(Type type)
var visitorManager = Expression.Parameter(typeof(VisitorManager), "manager");
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "entity");
var entityVar = Expression.Variable(type, "e");
var cast = Expression.Assign(entityVar, Expression.Convert(entityParam, type)); // T e = (T)entity;
var statements = new List<Expression>() { cast };
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
// if cannot read or cannot write - ignore property
if (!prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite) continue;
var propType = prop.PropertyType;
// if property is value type - ignore property
if (propType.IsValueType) continue;
var isString = propType == typeof(string);
// if string type but no password in property name - ignore property
if (isString && !prop.Name.Contains("password"))
#region e.Prop
var propAccess = Expression.Property(entityVar, prop); // e.Prop
#region T value = e.Prop
var value = Expression.Variable(propType, "value");
var assignValue = Expression.Assign(value, propAccess);
if (isString)
#region if (value != null) e.Prop = value.ToUpper();
var ifThen = Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(value, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(string))),
Expression.Assign(propAccess, Expression.Call(value, _toUpper)));
statements.Add(Expression.Block(new[] { value }, assignValue, ifThen));
#region var i = value as IEnumerable;
var enumerable = Expression.Variable(typeof(IEnumerable), "i");
var assignEnum = Expression.Assign(enumerable, Expression.TypeAs(value, enumerable.Type));
#region if (i != null) manager.ConvertToUpperEnum(i); else manager.ConvertToUpper(value);
var ifThenElse = Expression.IfThenElse(Expression.NotEqual(enumerable, Expression.Constant(null)),
Expression.Call(visitorManager, _convertToUpperEnum, enumerable),
Expression.Call(visitorManager, _convertToUpper, value));
statements.Add(Expression.Block(new[] { value, enumerable }, assignValue, assignEnum, ifThenElse));
// no blocks
if (statements.Count <= 1)
return null;
return Expression.Lambda<Visitor>(Expression.Block(new[] { entityVar }, statements), visitorManager, entityParam).Compile();
你能定義「更大」和「永遠」嗎?它有可能永久地遞歸或者類似的東西? – 2010-07-09 16:36:35
我認爲它是遞歸的東西,它不應該。例如,一個學生表有一個相關聯繫表和一個調查表。 如果我做ConvertToUpper(調查調查),它看起來像正在進行調查以及所有已接受調查的學生和他們的地址。 – AlteredConcept 2010-07-12 15:29:08