2015-10-27 17 views




# rrd options for nagiosgraph 
# This file contains per-service options for rrdgraph. The format is 
# service=options 
# where the options are standard rrdgraph command-line options. For example: 
# PING=-X 0 
# Load=-u 105 -l 0 
# The options will be applied to each graph matching the indicated service. 
# See rrdgraph for details about the options. 

# keep the ups plots in reasonable ranges 
ups-load=-u 105 -l 0 -r 
ups-charge=-u 105 -l 0 -r 
ups-temp=-u 45 -l 20 -r 
# memory counts are computer K not metric K, and always greater than 0 
mem=-l 0 -b 1024 
# do alternative autoscaling on the ntp graphs 
# cpu is always [0-100] 
cpu=-u 100 -l 0 -r 
# My custom check command needs logarithmic scaling -o option 

僅供參考 - 很抱歉,如果花了很長時間才能找到此信息。由於我的聲望低於1500,Stackoverflow不允許我創建新的「標籤」。 –


可能還值得添加的是,您可能需要取消註釋加載'rrdopts.conf'的'nagiosgraph.conf'中的行,否則它將不起作用。 –