2014-02-17 73 views

我的輸出始終是14.95包A ..所有其他東西似乎工作正常。Visual Basic - 開始程序代碼



  • packaga答:10小時,每月$ 9.95訪問。額外的是每小時2.00美元。
  • 套餐B:20美元的訪問時間爲每月14.95美元。附加每
  • 包C $ 1.00:1爲$ 19.95無限接入每月
  • 非營利組織:如果用戶選擇了非營利組織複選框應該從最後的費用中扣除20 %的折扣。 輸入驗證「:如果在一個月內使用不能超過744小時數..的值必須是數字


Public Class Form1 
    Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click 
     'Declare variables and constant 

     Dim decTotal As Decimal 
     Dim intHours As Integer 
     Const decNonProfit As Decimal = 0.8D 

      intHours = CInt(txtHoursUsed.Text) 

      If CInt(txtHoursUsed.Text) > 744 Then 
       MessageBox.Show("Monthly Hours Can't Exceed 744") 
       txtHoursUsed.Text = String.Empty 
       lblTotalDue.Text = String.Empty 
      End If 

      'Calculate A Package Total without discount 
      If radPackageA.Checked = True And intHours > 10 Then 
       decTotal = (9.95 + ((intHours - 10) * 2)) 
      ElseIf intHours <= 10 Then 
       decTotal = 9.95 
      End If 

      'Calculate B Package Total without discount 
      If radPackageB.Checked = True And intHours > 20 Then 
       decTotal = (14.95 + ((intHours - 20) * 1)) 
      ElseIf intHours <= 20 Then 
       decTotal = 14.95 
      End If 

      'Calculate C Package Total without discount 
      If radPackageC.Checked = True Then 
       decTotal = 19.95 
      End If 

      'Calculate Total for packages if Nonprofit is checked 
      If chkNonProfit.Checked = True Then 
       decTotal = decTotal * decNonProfit 

      End If 

      'Show total due 
      lblTotalDue.Text = decTotal.ToString("c") 

     Catch ex As Exception 
      MessageBox.Show("Input Error") 

     End Try 

    End Sub 


Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click 
     radPackageA.Checked = False 
     radPackageB.Checked = False 
     radPackageC.Checked = False 
     chkNonProfit.Checked = False 
     lblTotalDue.Text = String.Empty 
     txtHoursUsed.Text = String.Empty 
    End Sub 


Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click 
    End Sub 

    End Class 

,問題是......? – equisde


我找不到你的代碼有什麼問題。難道是你命名包A'radPackageB'和包B'radPackageA'? – srka


包A輸出無法正常工作..ex。如果包A被檢查,並且我輸入5小時輸出是14.95而不是9.95 ..如果我在文本框中放置20,它會給出14.95 ..它給出14.95。所有其他包輸入/輸出正在工作。 – user3318131




  'Calculate A Package Total without discount 
      If radPackageA.Checked Then 
       If intHours > 10 Then 
        decTotal = (9.95 + ((intHours - 10) * 2)) 
       ElseIf intHours <= 10 Then 
        decTotal = 9.95 
       End If 
      End If 

      'Calculate B Package Total without discount 
      If radPackageB.Checked Then 
       If intHours > 20 Then 
        decTotal = (14.95 + ((intHours - 20) * 1)) 
       ElseIf intHours <= 20 Then 
        decTotal = 14.95 
       End If 
      End If 

      'Calculate C Package Total without discount 
      If radPackageC.Checked Then 
       decTotal = 19.95 
      End If 

謝謝馬克! – user3318131


@ user3318131不客氣。 –


您正在使用ElseIf以錯誤的方式分叉條件。 按照你的代碼,你會得到dectTotal = 14.95每次radPackageB.Checked = FalseintHours <= 20


 If radPackageB.Checked Then 
      If intHours > 20 Then 
       decTotal = (14.95 + ((intHours - 20) * 1)) 
      ElseIf intHours <= 20 Then 
       decTotal = 14.95 
      End If 
     End If 



Ahhhh。仍在學習。非常感謝你們。 – user3318131


很高興幫助! :-) – equisde