2016-03-19 72 views


from getdata import * 
from trifun import * 

def main(): 
    outfile = open("SFout.txt", "w") 
    myList = getData() 
    # print(myList) 

    names = myList[0] 
    vertices = myList[1] 

    for i in range(len(names)): 
     x1 = vertices[i][0][0] 
     y1 = vertices[i][0][1] 
     x2 = vertices[i][1][0] 
     y2 = vertices[i][1][1] 
     x3 = vertices[i][2][0] 
     y3 = vertices[i][2][1] 
     print((names[i]), (x1, y1), ",", (x2, y2), ",", (x3, y3)) 
     print((names[i]), (x1, y1), ",", (x2, y2), ",", (x3, y3), file = outfile) 

     if duplicatePts(vertices[i]): 
      print("You have duplicate points, not a triangle") 
      outfile.write("You have duplicate points, not a triangle \n \n") 

     if collinear(vertices[i]): 
      print("The points are collinear, not a triangle") 
      outfile.write("\nThe points are collinear, not a triangle \n \n") 

     v = findAllSides(vertices[i]) 
     pm = str("%.1f" % (perimeter(vertices[i]))) 
     print("Perimeter: ", pm.ljust(25), end="") 
     print("Perimeter: ", pm.ljust(25), end="", file = outfile) 

     s = ("Sidelengths %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % (v[0], v[1], v[2])) 
     sidelength1 = str("%.1f" % (v[0])) 
     sidelength2 = str("%.1f" % (v[1])) 
     sidelength3 = str("%.1f" % (v[2])) 
     side = sidelength1 + "," + sidelength2 + "," + sidelength3 
     print("Side lengths: ", side) 
     print("Side lengths: ", side, file=outfile) 
     #outfile.write("Side length:" + side + '\n') 

     if acute(vertices[i]): 
      angle = "Acute" 
      # print("Acute") 
      #   outfile.write("\nAcute") 
     elif right(vertices[i]): 
      angle = "Right" 
     #   print("Right") 
     #   outfile.write("\nRight") 
     elif obtuse(vertices[i]): 
      angle = "Obtuse" 
     #   print("Obtuse") 
     #   outfile.write("\nObtuse") 
     if Scalene(vertices[i]): 
      side = "Scalene" 
     #   print("Scalene") 
     #   outfile.write("\nScalene") 
     elif Equilateral(vertices[i]): 
      side = "Equilateral" 
     #   print("Equilateral") 
     #   outfile.write("\nEquilateral") 
     elif Isosceles(vertices[i]): 
      side = "Isosceles" 
     #   print("Isosceles") 
     #   outfile.write("\nIsosceles") 
     # f.close() 
     print((angle + " & " + side).ljust(37), end="") 
     print((angle + " & " + side).ljust(37), end="", file=outfile) 

     #outfile.write(angle + " & " + side+"\n") 
     print("Area is: %0.2f" % area(vertices[i])) 
     print("Area is: %0.2f" % area(vertices[i]), "\n", file=outfile) 

     #outfile.write("Area is: %0.2f" % area(vertices[i])+"\n") 



def getData(): 
    names = [] 
    vertices = [] 
    myList = [names,vertices] 
    with open("test.txt") as f: 
     for line in f: 
      x = line.split() 
      x1 = float(x[1]) 
      y1 = float(x[2]) 
      x2 = float(x[3]) 
      y2 = float(x[4]) 
      x3 = float(x[5]) 
      y3 = float(x[6]) 


     return myList 


# The text file contains vertices of three points of a triangle, separated by a space. 

# Import Math for calculations. 
import math 

# This function checks if there are any duplicate points in te vertices of the triangle. 
# If there are, it s not a triangle. 
def duplicatePts(vertices): 
    #vertices looks like this : [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3]] 
    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    if (x1,y1)==(x2,y2) or (x2, y2) == (x3, y3) or (x1, y1) == (x3, y3): 
     return True 
     return False 

# This function checks if the points of the triangle are collinear. 
# Triangle points cannot be in the same line. They have to be in different positions on the lane. 
def collinear(vertices): 

    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    if (x2 - x1) == 0: 
     # As discussed in class, set it to a high number, to assume it is vertical 
     slope1 = 9999 
     slope1 = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) 
    if (x3 - x2) == 0: 
     # As discussed in class, set it to a high number, to assume it is vertical 
     slope2 = 9999 
     slope2 = (y3 - y2)/(x3 - x2) 

    if slope1 == slope2: 
     return True 
     return False 

# To find the perimeter, we need to find the sides first. 
# Perimeter = Sum of all three sides 
def perimeter(vertices): 

    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 
    perimeter = sideAB + sideAC + sideBC 
    return perimeter 

# Finding the length of the side using the distance formula. 
def sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2): 

    length = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) 
    return length 

# Using the min function to find out the shortest side. 
def findAllSides(vertices): 

    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 
    lst=[sideAB, sideAC, sideBC] 

    return lst 

# We know how to find the sides now. 

# We determine if the triangle is a right triangle by using Pythagoras theorem. 
# Pythagoras theorem states that a triangle is a right triangle when 
# Square of Hypotenus is equal to the sum of other two sides. 
def typeObtuseRightAcute(vertices): 
    #no idea if this is a good value but works for example 
    #and should be low enough to give right answers for all but crazy close triangles 
    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 
    # Using Pythagoras theorem 
    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 

    #use this instead 
    [var1,var2,largest] = sorted([sideAB, sideBC, sideAC]) 

    if abs((largest) ** 2-((var1 ** 2 + (var2) ** 2)))<epsilon: 
     return "right" 
    elif (largest) ** 2 > ((var1 ** 2 + (var2) ** 2)): 
     return "obtuse" 
     return "acute" 

def acute(vertices): 
    return typeObtuseRightAcute(vertices)=="acute" 

def right(vertices): 
    return typeObtuseRightAcute(vertices)=="right" 

def obtuse(vertices): 
    return typeObtuseRightAcute(vertices)=="obtuse" 

# A triangle is a scalene triangle, when all three sides are not equal to each other. 
def Scalene(vertices): 
    EPSILON = 0.000001 
    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 
    if (abs(sideAB-sideBC)>=EPSILON and abs(sideBC-sideAC)>=EPSILON and abs(sideAB-sideAC)>=EPSILON): 
     return True 

# A triangle is an isosceles triangle when 2 of the sides are equal. 
def Isosceles(vertices): 
    EPSILON = 0.000001 
    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 
    if (abs(sideAB-sideBC)<EPSILON or abs(sideBC-sideAC)<EPSILON or abs(sideAB-sideAC)<EPSILON) and not (abs(sideAB-sideBC)<EPSILON and abs(sideBC-sideAC)<EPSILON and abs(sideAB-sideAC)<EPSILON): 
     return True # or True 
     return False 

# A triangle is an equilateral triangle when all three sides are equal to each other. 
def Equilateral(vertices): 
    EPSILON = 0.000001 
    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 

    if (abs(sideAB-sideBC)<EPSILON and abs(sideBC-sideAC)<EPSILON and abs(sideAB-sideAC)<EPSILON): 
     return True 
     return False 

# To find the area, we need to find the semi perimeter first. 
# We find the area of triangle using Heron's formula. 
def area(vertices): 

    x1 = vertices[0][0] 
    y1 = vertices[0][1] 
    x2 = vertices[1][0] 
    y2 = vertices[1][1] 
    x3 = vertices[2][0] 
    y3 = vertices[2][1] 

    sideAB = sideLength(x1, y1, x2, y2) 
    sideBC = sideLength(x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    sideAC = sideLength(x3, y3, x1, y1) 
    semiPerimeter = (sideAB + sideBC + sideAC)/2 

    area = (semiPerimeter * (semiPerimeter - sideAB) * (semiPerimeter - sideBC) * (semiPerimeter - sideAC)) ** 0.5 

    return area 


Alpha -4 0 4 0 0 6.9282 
Bravo -2.161 -3.366 2.161 3.366 -5.83 3.743 
Charlie 3.54 5.46 -4.54 5.557 3.1 -2.1 
Delta 0 4 0 2 0 2 
Echo -4 3 1 3 6 3 
Foxtrot 0 0 5 1 10 0 
Golf 0 4 0 0 4 0 

也許有一點,當執行'angle'的條件語句時,'sider'的條件語句不被執行。您可以嘗試使用速記,如果參考此鏈接: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14029245/python-putting-an-if-elif-else-statement-on-one-line 或另一個選項是在頂部聲明一個初始化的局部變量,例如'sider ='<默認值或空字符串>'',然後在方法的其他部分使用它 – Chisskarzz


我不認爲別的方法可以在這裏工作,因爲我們調用了三個函數另一個文件。有沒有一種方法來保持這種格式,並仍然作出副作用? –


如果三個條件中的任何一個都不成立,就會發生這種情況。 –



我不知道這是否能讓你滿意,但這個可以從得到一個防止Unbound Local Error

sider = ("Scalene" 
     if scalene(vertices[i]) 
     else ("Equilateral" 
       if equilateral(vertices[i]) 
       else ("Isosceles" 
        if isosceles(vertices[i]) 
        else "None of the above") 


def main(): 
    outfile = open("SFout.txt", "w") 
    myList = getData() 

    names = myList[0] 
    vertices = myList[1] 
    sider = '' # declare this one 
    angle = '' # and this one 

    for i in range(len(names)): 
     x1 = vertices[i][0][0] 
     y1 = vertices[i][0][1] 
     x2 = vertices[i][1][0] 
     y2 = vertices[i][1][1] 
     x3 = vertices[i][2][0] 
     y3 = vertices[i][2][1] 
     print((names[i]), (x1, y1), ",", (x2, y2), ",", (x3, y3)) 
     print((names[i]), (x1, y1), ",", (x2, y2), ",", (x3, y3), file=outfile) 


第一個應該是角度而不是sider,我試了第二個,它給了我一個ValueError –


已經做了一些更正。第一個是否成功執行? ValueError在哪一行發生?你能給出ValueError的確切消息嗎? – Chisskarzz


不,仍然沒有。我現在已經上傳了我的整個程序,你可以看到我如何去做。它有3個文件。一個主文件和另外2個python文件。我遇到的問題是三角形被確定爲等邊和等腰三角形。有一個python程序讀取的文本文件。 –


這將有助於使你的問題的回溯。我認爲這個錯誤發生在print((angle ...)聲明中。所有函數scalene()equilateral()isosceles()必須返回False。要找到失敗的三角形,請添加一個這樣的else塊來打印頂點。

if scalene(vertices[i]): 
    sider = "Scalene" 

elif equilateral(vertices[i]): 
    sider = "Equilateral" 

elif isosceles(vertices[i]): 
    sider = "Isosceles" 

    # this should never happen 
    print("Something's wrong!") 

編輯 這裏的問題:typeEquilateralIsoscelesScalene(頂點)返回 「è quilateral」,但在equilateral()你比較它爲 「è quilateral」。與scalene()和isosceles()相同。


這沒有奏效,但我現在已經上傳了我的整個程序,你可以看到我如何去做。它有3個文件。一個主文件和另外2個python文件。我遇到的問題是三角形被確定爲等邊和等腰三角形。有一個python程序讀取的文本文件。 –


它打印了什麼? – RootTwo


UnboundLocalError:分配之前引用的局部變量'sider' –