function Dragging() {
var isDragging = false;
var isStartDragging = false;
var isEndDragging = true;
var startPoint = 0;
$('.Content-Page-List').mousedown(function (e) {
e = e || event;
if (!isStartDragging && !isDragging && isEndDragging) { isStartDragging = true; isEndDragging = false; startPoint = e.pageX; }
else { isStartDragging = isDragging = false; }
$('.Content-Page-List').mousemove(function() {
if (isStartDragging && !isEndDragging) { isDragging = true;}
else { return; }
$('.Content-Page-List').mouseup(function (e) {
e = e || event;
var leftVal = $(this).position().left;
if (isDragging && !isSlideMoving) {
var oldSlide = slide;
/* Slide move from left to right */
if (startPoint < e.pageX) {
if (leftVal == 0) return;
isSlideMoving = true;
$('.Content-Page-List').animate({ left: (leftVal + 1200) + 'px' }, 'slow', function() {
slide = parseInt(slide - 1);
contentHeight = $('.Content-Page-List').children('ul').children('li').eq(slide).height();
$('#page' + slide).parent().parent().css('background', 'rgba(243, 0, 0, 0.6)');
$('#Content-Page-List-Wrapper').css('height', contentHeight + 'px');
isStartDragging = isDragging = false;
isEndDragging = true;
isSlideMoving = false;
/*Slide move from right to left */
else {
if (leftVal == -((numOfLi * 1200) - 1200) || numOfLi == 1) return;
isSlideMoving = true;
$('.Content-Page-List').animate({ left: (leftVal - 1200) + 'px' }, 'slow', function() {
slide = parseInt(slide + 1);
contentHeight = $('.Content-Page-List').children('ul').children('li').eq(slide).height();
$('#page' + slide).parent().parent().css('background', 'rgba(243, 0, 0, 0.6)');
$('#Content-Page-List-Wrapper').css('height', contentHeight + 'px');
isStartDragging = isDragging = false;
isEndDragging = true;
isSlideMoving = false;
$('#page' + oldSlide).parent().parent().css('background', '#f4f4f4');
else { isStartDragging = false; isEndDragging = true; }
你可能想看看這篇文章:https://developer.mozilla.org/en -US/docs/Web/Guide/API/DOM/Events/Touch_events – cubrr
對不起,我不想使用畫布。只需純javascript + html + css。感謝您的回覆。 – HICURIN
是的,我明白,但我試圖指出事件監聽器並跟蹤文章中的touche事件。 – cubrr