// This is recognized as a comment by vim.
// Pressing <Enter> continues the comment on the next line.
// vim will also automatically format these comments if they exceed textwidth
// characters in length.
DoSomething(); // vim does not recognize this as a comment
and will neither continue the comment after <Enter> is pressed nor break automatically if the line exceeds textwidth characters.
如果有幫助,我的這是我的〜.vimrc文件。我通常:set cindent
set cino=L0,l1,g1,h1,N-s,t0,(0,w1,W2s
set expandtab
set formatoptions=croq
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2
set textwidth=80
你必須有一個有缺陷的'cpp.vim'語法文件,我沒有帶任何類型任何類型註釋的probs –
@PaulEvans:我可以很容易地用vim 7.3重現這個,沒有配置文件或修改後的cpp.vim文件用'syntax = c'或'java',甚至''sh'用'#'註釋...) –
3年前有人問過類似的問題, -with-代碼和註釋功能於VIM/7668002#7668002。 –