這是比較容易實現的 - 但既然你有「條件」(我將使用這裏的術語「斷言」),有併發症:對於沒有複製可言,所形成的結構的唯一途徑可以「知道」一個項目是否在訪問時檢查它 - 這意味着你的索引中會出現「漏洞」。
a = list(range(20))
b = SlicedList(a, slice(10, 20), predicate=lambda x: x%2
len(b) # will correctly report (5)
b[0] # will raise ValueError as "10" fails the predicate
# so, 0-9 are valid indexes for "b", but only the contents
# that attend the predicate will actually return a value
# you can safely iterate on b with a "for", though:
for item in b:
print(item) # (11, 13, 15, 17, 19)
from collections.abc import MutableSequence
except ImportError:
from collections import MutableSequence
class SlicedList(MutableSequence):
def __init__(self, data, slice=None, predicate=None):
self.data = data
if not slice:
slice = __builtins__.slice(0, len(data), 1)
self.slice = slice
self.predicate = predicate
def __getitem__(self, index):
if index < 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Can't use negative indexes on Sliced lists")
real_index = self.slice.start + index * (self.slice.step or 1)
item = self.data[real_index]
if self.predicate and not self.predicate(item):
raise ValueError("Item at position {} does not attend the predicate".format(index))
return item
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
def __delitem__(self, index):
def __len__(self):
if not self.predicate:
start, stop, step = self.slice.indices(len(data))
return (stop - start) // (step or 1)
count = 0
for i in range(self.slice.start, self.slice.stop, self.slice.step or 1):
if self.predicate(self.data[i]):
count += 1
return count
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(self.slice.start, self.slice.stop, self.slice.step or 1):
value =self.data[i]
if not self.predicate or self.predicate(value):
yield i
def insert(self, position, value):
另一個提示你是要儘快退出Python 2.7版 - 所有的現代庫和框架運行好的關於Python 3和Python 2是變得非常老化,這些天。下面的代碼可以同時工作,但我必須爲此做出規定。
迭代器工具不會複製列表或我完全錯誤?但是,如果你計劃刪除列表中的項目,你將不得不創建一個新的列表,看看列表是不可變的,不能改變。也許看看'dicts'或[ctype.array](https://docs.python.org/2/library/ctypes.html#arrays)s - 也許你可以用這些做些什麼? – Torxed
@Toxxed列表是可變的。 – roganjosh
@roganjosh對不起,你說得對。我在頭腦中混合了'tuple'的列表。 – Torxed