2017-07-10 27 views

當使用this example中給出的Google Adwords API關鍵字生成器時,我認爲我會得到一些與我所做的查詢(「space cruise」)相關的關鍵字。相反,我得到如下:使用AdWords關鍵字生成器api時產生的意外輸出

Keyword with 'space cruise f125bcf7' text and average monthly search volume '5779518' was found with Products and Services categories: [17, 35, 10628, 5]. 
Keyword with 'red herring b610fbe0' text and average monthly search volume '3613244' was found with Products and Services categories: [56, 57, 43, 10628]. 
Keyword with 'red herring e969d14a' text and average monthly search volume '4490523' was found with Products and Services categories: [16, 33, 10628, 30]. 
Keyword with 'red herring 33bb9989' text and average monthly search volume '4773027' was found with Products and Services categories: [41, 10628, 13, 22]. 
Keyword with 'red herring cc518050' text and average monthly search volume '4650205' was found with Products and Services categories: [12, 10628, 13, 7]. 
Keyword with 'red herring 5864c829' text and average monthly search volume '5092454' was found with Products and Services categories: [11, 28, 10628, 46]. 
Keyword with 'red herring ef5efb42' text and average monthly search volume '5313565' was found with Products and Services categories: [26, 44, 10628, 14]. 
Keyword with 'red herring 8dc2cad8' text and average monthly search volume '4603880' was found with Products and Services categories: [40, 52, 10628, 55]. 

應該如何在末尾的數字的「關鍵詞」來解釋 - 是有一些方法把它映射到現實世界?我看着他們的文檔,但無法找到答案。



您在最後看到的數字是Google Adwords的產品和服務類別分類標識。你可以找到人類可讀的描述here

另請注意,Adwords 測試帳戶(您似乎正在使用)不會爲TargetingIdeaService返回任何有意義的數據。這就是爲什麼你看到所有這些「紅鯡魚」關鍵字 - 很好玩,谷歌。