2017-09-11 79 views

當我嘗試更新我的UWP主要和/或輔助磁貼時,什麼都不會發生。UWP Live Tile沒有更新

如果我從Visual Studio 2017開始我的UWP應用程序更新功能正常工作,並更新瓷磚。 但是,如果我從VS 2017製作Windows應用商店應用,則更新功能不再起作用。


using System; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom; 
using Windows.UI.Notifications; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls; 

namespace UpdateTile 
    public sealed class TileUpdate 
     // Function which is call by every background task to update the app tile 
     // and each app secondary tile 
     // The tile ID could be empty for update the primary tile 
     public static void ScheduleUpdate(String data, String tileID) 
      #region variables 
      TileUpdater tileUpdater = null; 

      // Check the tile ID 
      if (tileID == "") 
       // If tile ID is empty then create a tile updater for the app tile 
       tileUpdater = TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication(); 
       tileUpdater = TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForSecondaryTile(tileID); 



      tileUpdater.Update(new TileNotification(new TileXML().WriteXml(data))); 


using System; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using SystemInformation; 
using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom; 
using Windows.UI.Notifications; 
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications; 

namespace UpdateTile 
    public sealed class TileXML 
     // Function to create a xml document for tiles 
     // returns a xml document 
     public XmlDocument WriteXml(String data) 
      #region variables 
      String[] result = { "" }; ; 
      SystemInfo sysinfo = new SystemInfo(); 
      TileContent content = null; 
      String textCaption = ""; 
      String textCaptionSubTle1 = ""; 
      String textCaptionSubTle2 = ""; 
      String textCaptionSubTle3 = ""; 

      Debug.WriteLine("Create xml document for tile"); 

      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) 
       // Set xml text for initial text file data 
       textCaption = "No data available"; 
       // Split text file data by carriage return and new line 
       result = data.Split(new string[] { "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

       // check the result length to create an xml document text 
       if (result.Length == 1) 
        // Set xml text if no data file exists 
        textCaption = "No data available"; 
        // Set xml text if data file is present 
        textCaption = sysinfo.Hostname; 
        textCaptionSubTle1 = result[3].Replace("Enterprise", "") + " v" + result[4]; 
        textCaptionSubTle2 = "IP: " + sysinfo.IP_Address; 
        textCaptionSubTle3 = "Hotline: " + result[1]; 

      // Create an adaptive tile content 
      content = new TileContent() 
       Visual = new TileVisual() 
        TileWide = new TileBinding() 
         Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive() 
          BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage() 
           Source = "Assets/Backgroung.png", 
           HintOverlay = 60 

          Children = 
           new AdaptiveText() 
            Text = textCaption, 
            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption 

           new AdaptiveText() 
            Text = textCaptionSubTle1, 
            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle 

           new AdaptiveText() 
            Text = textCaptionSubTle2, 
            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle 

           new AdaptiveText() 
            Text = textCaptionSubTle3, 
            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle 

      // return the xml domument from adaptive tile content 
      return content.GetXml(); 

我也曾嘗試使用RAW XML來更新瓷磚,但沒有任何工作。有沒有人有一個想法,爲什麼瓦片更新適用於VS 2017,但不是作爲Windows應用商店的應用程序?


我的系統信息: 操作系統:Windows 10 v1703 - >版本:10.0.15063.540





BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage() 
    Source = "Assets/Backgroung.png", 
    HintOverlay = 60 

當我評論了這一點,並作出新的Windows Store應用,實時更新將再次合作。
