2011-04-07 27 views


; video.asm 
; uses interrupts to set video mode and draw a line 

include 'emu8086.inc' 

org 100h ; set location counter to 100h 

jmp CodeStart 

    xStart1 dw 50  ; x coordinate of line start 1 
    yStart1 dw 50  ; y coordinate of line start 1 
    xStart2 dw 50  ; x coordinate of line start 2 
    yStart2 dw 50  ; y coordinate of line start 2 
    length dw 25  ; length of line 


    ; set the video mode 320x200, 256 colors 
    mov al, 13h 
    mov ah, 0 
    int 10h 

    ; initialize cx (x coord) to xStart1 + length 
    ; initialize bx (y coord) to yStart2 + length 
    mov cx, xStart1 
    mov bx, yStart2 
    add cx, length 
    add bx, length 

    ; loop from (xStart1+length) to xStart1 to draw a horizontal line 
    ; loop from (yStart1+length) to yStart1 to draw a vertical line 

     ; draw a pixel 
     ; set color in al, x in cx, y in dx 
     mov al, 50 
     mov dx, yStart1 

     ; set sub function value in ah to draw a pixel 
     ; and invoke the interrupt 
     mov ah, 0ch 
     int 10h 

     ; decrement the x coord for line 1 
     ; decrement the y coord for line 2 
     sub cx, 1 
     sub bx, 1 

     ; test to see if x coord has reached start value 
     cmp cx, xStart1 

    ; continue loop if cx >= xStart1 
    jae LoopStart 






所以我改哪一個? – 2011-04-07 05:24:54


@Crash_Override:呃,即使你根本不懂彙編語言,也很容易知道你當前正在使用哪個代碼*現在改變它來改變另一個代碼! – 2011-04-07 05:27:18


這更接近嗎? – 2011-04-07 05:34:58