$長期 一個固定鏈接(對象|國際|字符串)(必需)術語對象,ID,或蛞蝓,其鏈接將被檢索。
$ taxonomy (字符串)(可選)分類。 默認值: ''
源# 文件:WP-包括/ taxonomy.php
function get_term_link($term, $taxonomy = '') {
global $wp_rewrite;
if (!is_object($term)) {
if (is_int($term)) {
$term = get_term($term, $taxonomy);
} else {
$term = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy);
if (!is_object($term))
$term = new WP_Error('invalid_term', __('Empty Term'));
if (is_wp_error($term))
return $term;
$taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
$termlink = $wp_rewrite->get_extra_permastruct($taxonomy);
$slug = $term->slug;
$t = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
if (empty($termlink)) {
if ('category' == $taxonomy)
$termlink = '?cat=' . $term->term_id;
elseif ($t->query_var)
$termlink = "?$t->query_var=$slug";
$termlink = "?taxonomy=$taxonomy&term=$slug";
$termlink = home_url($termlink);
} else {
if ($t->rewrite['hierarchical']) {
$hierarchical_slugs = array();
$ancestors = get_ancestors($term->term_id, $taxonomy, 'taxonomy');
foreach ((array)$ancestors as $ancestor) {
$ancestor_term = get_term($ancestor, $taxonomy);
$hierarchical_slugs[] = $ancestor_term->slug;
$hierarchical_slugs = array_reverse($hierarchical_slugs);
$hierarchical_slugs[] = $slug;
$termlink = str_replace("%$taxonomy%", implode('/', $hierarchical_slugs), $termlink);
} else {
$termlink = str_replace("%$taxonomy%", $slug, $termlink);
$termlink = home_url(user_trailingslashit($termlink, 'category'));
// Back Compat filters.
if ('post_tag' == $taxonomy) {
* Filters the tag link.
* @since 2.3.0
* @deprecated 2.5.0 Use 'term_link' instead.
* @param string $termlink Tag link URL.
* @param int $term_id Term ID.
$termlink = apply_filters('tag_link', $termlink, $term->term_id);
} elseif ('category' == $taxonomy) {
* Filters the category link.
* @since 1.5.0
* @deprecated 2.5.0 Use 'term_link' instead.
* @param string $termlink Category link URL.
* @param int $term_id Term ID.
$termlink = apply_filters('category_link', $termlink, $term->term_id);
* Filters the term link.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $termlink Term link URL.
* @param object $term Term object.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
return apply_filters('term_link', $termlink, $term, $taxonomy);