2011-12-05 62 views




  1. 資產淨值不會在頁面上居中,但仍將繼續留下,甚至當我保證金:汽車; ?
  2. 無法將其定位到標題圖像的底部!


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    margin: 0 0 1em 0; 
    padding: 0; 
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    color: #fff;     /*Active Text Color*/ 
    border-right: 1px solid #ccf; } 
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    color: #000;     /*Active Hover Color*/ 
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    height: 185px; 
    margin-top: 15px; 
    background: url(zitemplateChange.jpg); 
    border-bottom: 30px solid #cc0; /*showing where I want navigation to position*/ 


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    OZJournals Version 3.2 released by Online Zone <https://sites.google.com/site/onlinezonejournals> 
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    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
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    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) 
    any later version. 


# For the session 

# For function file inclusion 
include "functions.php"; 

# For language file inclusion 
$langfile = file_get_contents("lang/index.php"); 
$eachlang = explode("\t", $langfile); 
$oklang = $eachlang[1]; 
$uselang = file_get_contents("lang/$oklang.php"); 
$lang = explode("\n", $uselang); 

# Clean the GET variablezzz 
$clean['show'] = string_filter_nospace($_GET['show']); 
$clean['id'] = int_filter($_GET['id']); 
$clean['p'] = string_filter_nospace($_GET['p']); 
$clean['f'] = int_filter($_GET['f']); 
$clean['pn'] = int_filter($_GET['pn']); 

# Printer-friendly view 
if($clean['show'] == "printpreview") { 
if(isset($clean['id'])) { 
    $id = super_filter($clean['id']); 
    if(file_exists("$datadirectory/$id.php")) { 
    $pfile = file_get_contents("$datadirectory/$id.php"); 
    $what = explode("\t", $pfile); 
    die("<html><head><title>$what[1]</title></head><body onload=\"window.print()\"><h1>$what[1]</h1><h5>Posted by $what[4] [ $what[5] ]<br />Date: ".date($timeformat, $what[2])."<br />Category: $what[6]</h5><p>$what[3]</p><h5>Source URL: <script>document.writeln(self.location)</script></h5></body></html>"); 

# RSS view 
if($clean['show'] == "rss") { 

# Theme Picker 
$themefile = file_get_contents("themes/index.php"); 
$eachtheme = explode("\t", $themefile); 
$oktheme = $eachtheme[1]; 

include "themes/$oktheme/advanced.php"; 
$header = implode(" ", file("themes/$oktheme/header.php")); 
$header = str_replace("{blogtitle}", $blogtitle, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{subtitle}", subtitle($clean["show"], $clean["p"], $clean["f"]), $header); 
$header = str_replace("{metakeywords}", $metakeywords, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{metadescription}", $metadescription, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{author}", $auth, $header); 
//$header = str_replace("{header}", $blogheader, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{mainlinks}", $mainlinks, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{add-ons}", $addons, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{search}", $search, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{categories}", $categories, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{archives}", $archives, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{miscellaneous}", $miscellaneous, $header); 
$header = str_replace("{adminmenu}", "", $header); 
$header = str_replace("{usermenu}", "", $header); 
$header = str_replace("{footer}", $blogfooter, $header); 
echo $header; 

# Signing out Initial 
if($clean['show'] == "signout") { 
header("Location: index.php?show=signout2"); 

# Signing out Part 2 
if($clean['show'] == "signout2") { 
adminpanel("$lang[1]<br /><br />"); 

# Sign-in 
elseif($clean['show'] == "signin") { 
echo "<h3>$lang[2]</h3>\n"; 
echo "<form name=\"e\" method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?show=signinok\">\n"; 
echo "<table border=\"0\">\n"; 
echo "<tr><td width=\"40%\">$lang[3]</td>"; 
echo "<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" value=\"admin\" checked=\"checked\" /> $lang[4] \n"; 
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" value=\"user\"> $lang[5] </td></tr>\n"; 
echo "<tr><td width=\"40%\"> $lang[6] </td>"; 
echo "<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" /></td></tr>\n"; 
echo "<tr><td width=\"40%\"> $lang[7] </td>"; 
echo "<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" /></td></tr>\n"; 
echo "</table><br />\n"; 
echo "<button type=\"submit\"> $lang[8] </button>&nbsp; \n"; 
echo "<button type=\"reset\"> $lang[9] </button> \n"; 
echo "</form><br /><br />\n"; 

# Blog 
elseif($clean['show'] == "" OR $clean['show'] == "main" OR $clean['show'] == "index") { 
$pn = $clean['pn']; 
if($total > 0) { 
    if($total >= $displaynumber) { 
    if($pn == "") { 
    $pn = $total; 
    echo display ($displaynumber, $datadirectory, $total, $pn); 
    echo "<p> &nbsp; </p>\n"; 
    else { 
    $pn = $clean['pn']; 
    echo display ($displaynumber, $datadirectory, $total, $pn); 
    echo "<p> &nbsp; </p>\n"; 
    else { 
    echo display ($displaynumber, $datadirectory, $total, $pn); 
    echo "<p> &nbsp; </p>\n"; 
else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[10]<br />\n\n", $blogtitle); 

# Pages 
elseif($clean['show'] == "pages") { 
$totalpages = countfiles("pages"); 
$currentpage = super_filter($clean['f']); 
if(file_exists("pages/$currentpage.php")) { 
    $cc = file_get_contents("pages/$currentpage.php"); 
    $eachcc = explode("\t", $cc); 
    if($totalpages > 0) { 
    echo "<h3>".$eachcc[1]."</h3>\n"; 
    echo "<h5>$lang[12] <a href=\"".$eachcc[5]."\">".$eachcc[4]."</a> $lang[11] ".date($timeformat, $eachcc[2])." </h5>\n"; 
    echo "<p> ".stripslashes($eachcc[3])." </p>\n\n"; 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[13]<br />\n\n", $blogtitle); 
else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[81]<br />\n\n", $lang[80]); 

# Complete archives 
elseif($clean['show'] == "archives") { 
if($total > 0) { 
    $theyear = int_filter($_GET['y']); 
    $themonth = $_GET['m']; 
    $thecategory = $_GET['c']; 
    $p = $clean['p']; 
    if($p == "main") { 
    echo adisplayall ($datadirectory, $total); 
    else { 
    if(isset($theyear) AND isset($themonth)) { 
    echo adisplaymonthandyear ($datadirectory, $total, $themonth, $theyear); 
    elseif(isset($thecategory)) { 
    echo adisplaycategory ($datadirectory, $total, $thecategory); 
    elseif(file_exists("$datadirectory/$p.php")) { 
    for($e=1; $e <= $total; $e++) { 
    if($p == $e) { 
     echo displayeach($datadirectory, $p); 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[81]<br />\n\n", $lang[80]); 
else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[14]<br />\n\n", $blogtitle); 

# Comment poster 
elseif($clean['show'] == "postcomments") { 
$date = date_and_time($timezone, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); 
$name = string_filter($_POST['vname']); 
$vemail = string_filter_email($_POST['vemail']); 
$location = string_filter_url($_POST['vlocation']); 
$comment = string_filter_comment($_POST['vcomment']); 
$verify = string_filter_nospace($_POST['verify']); 
$p = $clean['p']; 
// (1) Block if there's no name, email and comment 
if($name !== "" && $vemail !== "" && $comment !== "") { 
    // (2) Block if it doesn't have a valid email addie 
    if(ValidEmail($vemail)) { 
    $filecont = file_get_contents("comments/$p.php"); 
    if($location == "") { 
    $all = "<?php /*\t".str_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $comment)."\t".$name."\t".$date."\tnone\t".$vemail."\t*/ ?>\n"; 
    else { 
    if(substr($location, 0, 7)!=="http://") { 
    $all = "<?php /*\t".str_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $comment)."\t".$name."\t".$date."\thttp://".$location."\t".$vemail."\t*/ ?>\n"; 
    else { 
    $all = "<?php /*\t".str_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $comment)."\t".$name."\t".$date."\t".$location."\t".$vemail."\t*/ ?>\n"; 
    // (3) Block if the referrer is different from blog address in settings 
    if($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]=="$blog/index.php?show=archives&p=$p") { 
    // (4) Verify session first before posting the comment. 
    if($verify!=="") { 
    if($verify==$_SESSION['verify']) { 
     // (5) Block comment if it contains bad words 
     if(!strpos($comment, $badwords)) { 
     // (6) Do not post comment if the exact same comment and name already exists. 
     if(!preg_match("/\\t$comment\\t$name/", file_get_contents("comments/$p.php"))) { 
     $handle = fopen ("comments/$p.php", "a+"); 
     fwrite ($handle, $all); 
     fclose ($handle); 
     // Email after comment has been posted. Negative (-) if not emailed. 
     if($emailcomments!=="yes") { 
     blogviewer($name.", $lang[15]<br /><a href=\"index.php?show=archives&p=".$p."\">$lang[16]</a>. -<br />\n\n", $blogtitle); 
     else { 
     $comment = str_replace("<br />", "\r\n", $comment); 
     if(mail($vemail, $lang[84], "$lang[85] $user,\r\n\r\n$name ($vemail) $lang[86] ($blogtitle). $lang[87]:\r\n\r\n------------\r\n\r\n$comment\r\n\r\n------------\r\n\r\n$lang[88]:\r\n$blog/admin.php?show=editdeletecomments\r\n\r\n$lang[89]\r\n\r\n$lang[90]", "From: $blogtitle <$email>")) { 
     blogviewer($name.", $lang[15]<br /><a href=\"index.php?show=archives&p=".$p."\">$lang[16]</a>. +<br />\n\n", $blogtitle); 
     else { 
     blogviewer($name.", $lang[15]<br /><a href=\"index.php?show=archives&p=".$p."\">$lang[16]</a>. -<br />\n\n", $blogtitle); 
     else { 
     blogviewer("$name, $lang[92]<br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a><br />\n", $blogtitle); 
     else { 
     blogviewer("$name, $lang[93]<br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a><br />\n", $blogtitle); 
    else { 
     blogviewer("$lang[17]<br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a><br />\n", $blogtitle); 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[18]<br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a><br />\n", $blogtitle); 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[19]<br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a><br />\n", $blogtitle); 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[20]<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a><br />\n", "$blogtitle"); 
else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[22] <b>$lang[23]</b>, <b>$lang[24]</b>, $lang[25] <b>$lang[26]</b>.<br /> $lang[27]<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1);\">$lang[21]</a>", "$blogtitle"); 

# Signed in 
elseif($clean['show'] == "signinok") { 
$mode = string_filter_nospace($_POST['mode']); 
if($_POST['username'] !== '' AND $_POST['password'] !== '') { 
    # Administrator Mode 
    if($mode == "admin") { 
    $newsessionuser = md5($_POST['username'].mktime()); 
    $newsessionpass = md5($_POST['password'].mktime()); 
    if($newsessionuser == md5($user.mktime()) AND $newsessionpass == md5($pass.mktime())) { 
    $_SESSION['user'] = $user; 
    $_SESSION['mode'] = "admin"; 
    adminpanel("$lang[28], <b>$auth</b>! <br /><br /> $lang[29]<br />$lang[30] <a href=\"admin.php\">$lang[31]</a>.<br />\n\n"); 
    else { 
    adminpanel ("$lang[32]<br />$lang[33] <a href=\"index.php?show=signin\">$lang[34]</a>.<br />\n\n"); 
    # User Mode 
    elseif($mode == "user") { 
    $usersdb = file_get_contents("usersdb.php"); 
    $ida = explode($_POST['username']."\t", $usersdb); 
    $idb = str_replace("<?php /*\t", "", $ida[0]); 
    $idc = $idb - 1; 
    $passa = explode("\n", $usersdb); 
    $passb = explode("\t", $passa[$idc]); 
    $passc = $passb[4]; 
    if(strpos($usersdb, $_POST['username']) !== FALSE AND $passc == md5($_POST['password'])) { 
    $_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['username']; 
    $_SESSION['mode'] = "user"; 
    blogviewer("$lang[28], <b>".$_SESSION['user']."</b>! <br /><br /> $lang[29]<br /> $lang[30] <a href=\"admin.php\">$lang[35]</a>.<br />\n\n", "User's Panel"); 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[32]<br />$lang[33] <a href=\"index.php?show=signin\">$lang[34]</a>.<br />\n\n", "User's Panel"); 
    # Anything else is invalid 
    else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[83] <br />\n\n", $lang[82]); 
else { 
    blogviewer("$lang[36] <br />$lang[33] <a href=\"index.php?show=signin\">$lang[34]</a>.<br />\n\n", $lang[82]); 

# Load 404 Page 
else { 
blogviewer("$lang[81]<br />\n\n", $lang[80]); 

# Simple statistics 
if(file_exists("counter.php")) { 
    $counterfile = file_get_contents("counter.php"); 
    $counterdata = explode("|", $counterfile); 
    $countermagic = count($counterdata); 
    $h = fopen("counter.php", "a+"); 
    fwrite($h, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."|"); 

# Footer 
$footer = implode(" ", file("themes/$oktheme/footer.php")); 
$footer = str_replace("{blogtitle}", $blogtitle, $footer); 
$header = str_replace("{subtitle}", subtitle($clean["show"], $clean["p"], $clean["f"]), $header); 
$footer = str_replace("{metakeywords}", $metakeywords, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{metadescription}", $metadescription, $footer); 
$header = str_replace("{author}", $auth, $header); 
$footer = str_replace("{header}", $blogheader, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{mainlinks}", $mainlinks, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{add-ons}", $addons, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{search}", $search, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{categories}", $categories, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{archives}", $archives, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{miscellaneous}", $miscellaneous, $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{adminmenu}", "", $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{usermenu}", "", $footer); 
$footer = str_replace("{footer}", $blogfooter, $footer); 
echo $footer; 

# End flush for the session 


enter image description here



我們需要看到的導航容器是在模板中把它的頭和中心在它之下。對於你*可能取得成功的中心:'display:inline-block;' – Anonymous





要解決此問題,請從外部div中移除浮動並將其設置爲width:100%;。然後把所有的背景東西放在ol。最後在ol的末尾加上clear: both;。 A <br />是最常見的選擇。


Here's a full screen preview,以防經常撥弄不給你950像素。


好工作FakeRainBrigand與小提琴。根據需要,它已將事情集中在一起。昨天也一樣。 – Webiter


仍然需要讓導航下拉到標題圖像的底部! – Webiter