我有一些工作代碼,但錯誤處理現在相當粗糙 - 它通常發送錯誤字符串到標準錯誤並退出。所以我希望它拋出一個異常,並允許用戶處理它,因爲他們選擇一個典型的處理程序。爲什麼添加try塊導致編譯器錯誤
但是,在代碼中添加了一個try catch塊,它給了我一個我根本不理解的編譯器錯誤。
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sockets::TCPSocket::TCPSocket(const char* address, const int port)
this->address = address;
this->port = port;
this->bufferSize = sockets::TCPSocket::DEF_BUFFER;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void sockets::TCPSocket::init()
memset(&(this->addressInfo), 0, sizeof this->addressInfo);
addressInfo.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // Either IPv4 or IPv6
addressInfo.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // Uses TCP
addressInfo.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // Accept any IP
// get the address info
int status = getaddrinfo(
if (status != 0) // any error- segfault if addressInfoList not allocated
throw GetAddrinfoException();
// create socket
this->filedes = socket(
if (this->filedes == -1)
std::cerr << "Create socket error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
正如你看到的,我呼籲從我的構造函數(私人)init()函數。我在我的init()函數中拋出GetAddrinfoException。如果我在構造函數的try catch中調用init(),它可以正常工作。但是,當我把它從我的主 - 期待棧放鬆 - 我得到一個編譯錯誤..這樣的:
int main()
using namespace std;
// Test as client
const char* TEST_ADDR = "www.google.com";
sockets::TCPSocket socket = sockets::TCPSocket(TEST_ADDR, 80);
catch (sockets::GetAddrinfoException e) { /* do something */ }
return 0;
TCPSocket/test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
TCPSocket/test.cpp:22:12: error: request for member ‘doConnect’ in ‘socket’, which is of non-class type ‘int(int, int, int) throw()’
TCPSocket/test.cpp:23:12: error: request for member ‘doSend’ in ‘socket’, which is of non-class type ‘int(int, int, int) throw()’
socket.doSend("GET/HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.redway-soft.com\r\n\r\n");
TCPSocket/test.cpp:24:20: error: request for member ‘doRecv’ in ‘socket’, which is of non-class type ‘int(int, int, int) throw()’
cout << socket.doRecv() << endl;
TCPSocket/test.cpp:34:12: error: request for member ‘restart’ in ‘socket’, which is of non-class type ‘int(int, int, int) throw()’
TCPSocket/test.cpp:35:30: error: request for member ‘doListen’ in ‘socket’, which is of non-class type ‘int(int, int, int) throw()’
string received = socket.doListen();
#ifndef __TCPSOCKET_HPP__
#define __TCPSOCKET_HPP__
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cerrno>
#include <exception>
namespace sockets
class GetAddrinfoException: std::exception
virtual const char* what() const throw()
return "getAddressinfo() failure";
* @class TCPSocket, creates a HTTP/TCP Socket. TCPSocket is designed with the idea
* that it should usually be instantiated in its own thread for most use cases.
* @param const char* address, e.g. www.google.com
* @param int port, which port defaults 80
class TCPSocket
* Instance vars
struct addrinfo addressInfo;
struct addrinfo* addressInfoList;
int filedes;
const char* address;
int port;
int bufferSize;
* @function init, allows socket to be re-assigned a new address and port
void init();
* pulbic class vars
static const int DEF_BUFFER = 2000;
static const int DEF_PORT = 5556;
static const int DEF_TIMEOUT = 200000;
static const int DEF_NUMTRIES = 5;
* @constructor
* @param address, to connect to default is NULL siffnifying server socket
* @param port, port to connect/listen on
TCPSocket(const char* address = NULL, const int port = DEF_PORT);
* @destructor
* public getters
inline const char* getAddress() {return this->address;}
inline const int& getPort() {return this->port;}
inline const struct addrinfo& getAddressInfo() {return this->addressInfo;}
inline const int& getFiledes() {return this->filedes;}
inline const struct addrinfo* getAddressInfoList() {return this->addressInfoList;}
* @function setBuffer, set bufferSize to custom size
* @param buffer, the size to set the read in buffer
inline void setBuffer(int buffer) {this->bufferSize = buffer;}
* @function restart, cleans up and then re-initialises the socket with new params
* @param address, to connect to
* @param port, port to connect
void restart(const char* address = NULL, const int port = DEF_PORT);
* @function doConnect, connect to target address
void doConnect();
* @function doSend - sends specific message,
* @param message e.g. "GET/HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n"
* would send a simple get request, or a html string could be sent back
* in the case of send from a server socket which is responding to a
* request.
void doSend(const char* message);
* @function doRecv, gets return data from server
* @param timeout, length of time to wait (micros) for data def = 100 000
* @param numtries, number of attempts at reading data if none recv
* @return message that has been received
std::string doRecv(int timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT, int numtries = DEF_NUMTRIES);
* @function doListen, listens at given port and accepts a connection
* note that this function is blocking and so any implementation should
* probably normally be on its own thread/process, a server class should
* be in charge of managing individual threads and sockets.
std::string doListen();
* @function doClose, closes the filedescripter.
void doClose();
什麼是_'catch(GetAddrinfoException e){/ *做些什麼* /}'_實際上? –
它看起來像錯誤的起源是在你的類定義的'sockets :: TCPSocket'中的某處。 – ikrabbe
我將添加類頭文件。你是什麼意思πάνταῥεῖ?我猜你知道什麼try {} catch(){}塊是... –