2010-09-11 94 views


Msbuild copy to several locations based on list of destination parameter?


    <DeployPath Include="\\server1\path" /> 
    <DeployPath Include="\\server2\path" /> 
</Item Group> 

<Target Name="Deploy"> 
    <Message Text="%(DeployPath.Identity)" /> 
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(ItemsToCopy)" DestinationFolder="%(DeployPath.Identity)\%(RecursiveDir)" /> 










<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Demo" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> 

    <ItemsToCopy Include="src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt"/> 

    <DeployPath Include="C:\temp\path01\" /> 
    <DeployPath Include="C:\temp\path02\" /> 

    Target batching is happening here because there is a 
    %() expression inside the Outputs attribute. So that 
    means that this target will be repeated once per 
    uinque batch of %(DeployPath.Identity). Identity is 
    the value that is passed in the Incude= attribute. 
    Since we know there are two values we know that 
    this target will be executed twice, and on each 
    pass the DeployPath item will only look to contain 
    a single value. If there were duplicates then the list 
    could contain more than 1 value. 
    <Target Name="Demo" Outputs="%(DeployPath.Identity)"> 
    <Message Text="DeployPath.Identity: %(DeployPath.Identity)" /> 

    <Message Text="======================================" Importance="high"/> 
    <Message Text="ItemsToCopy1: @(ItemsToCopy)|| DeployPath.Identity: %(DeployPath.Identity)" /> 
    <Message Text="======================================" Importance="high"/> 
     In the next emample you are batching on both the DeployPath item list as well as 
     the ItemsToCopy item. When two batched items are in the same expression they are 
     matched individually, so you ge a value for DeployPath metadata but not ItemsToCopy 
     metadata. That is why your copy only copied to one location. 
    <Message Text="ItemsToCopy2: @(ItemsToCopy)|| DeployPath.Identity-RecursiveDir: %(DeployPath.Identity)\%(RecursiveDir)" /> 
    <Message Text="======================================" Importance="high"/> 
     In this example I create a property and assign it the value of 
     %(DeployPath.Identity). We know there will only be one such 
     value. Because there should only be one value with Identity 
     when this target is executed so it is safe to 
     convert item to property 

     Because we are not batching on both items we will get the values for both vaules 
     to be correct becuase the target is repeated for the other 
     DeployPath values. 
    <Message Text="ItemsToCopy3: @(ItemsToCopy)|| _DeployPathIdentity-RecursiveDir: $(_DeployPathIdentity)\%(RecursiveDir)" /> 

     I've always preferred to use DestinationFiles so my sample 
     below uses that. But you could change the target to use 
     DestinationFolder instead. 
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(ItemsToCopy)" 
      DestinationFiles="@(ItemsToCopy->'$(_DeployPathIdentity)%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" /> 



Build started 9/10/2010 9:31:28 PM. 
Project "I:\Development\My Code\Community\MSBuild\CopyFiles01.proj" on node 1 (default targets). 
    DeployPath.Identity: C:\temp\path01\ 
    ItemsToCopy1: src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt|| DeployPath.I 
    dentity: C:\temp\path01\ 
    ItemsToCopy2: || DeployPath.Identity-RecursiveDir: C:\temp\path01\\ 
    ItemsToCopy2: src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt|| DeployPath.I 
    dentity-RecursiveDir: \ 
    ItemsToCopy3: src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt|| _DeployPathI 
    dentity-RecursiveDir: C:\temp\path01\\ 
    Creating directory "C:\temp\path01". 
    Copying file from "src\0001.txt" to "C:\temp\path01\0001.txt". 
    Copying file from "src\0002.txt" to "C:\temp\path01\0002.txt". 
    Copying file from "src\sub\sub-0001.txt" to "C:\temp\path01\sub-0001.txt". 
    Copying file from "src\sub\sub-0002.txt" to "C:\temp\path01\sub-0002.txt". 
    DeployPath.Identity: C:\temp\path02\ 
    ItemsToCopy1: src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt|| DeployPath.I 
    dentity: C:\temp\path02\ 
    ItemsToCopy2: || DeployPath.Identity-RecursiveDir: C:\temp\path02\\ 
    ItemsToCopy2: src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt|| DeployPath.I 
    dentity-RecursiveDir: \ 
    ItemsToCopy3: src\0001.txt;src\0002.txt;src\sub\sub-0001.txt;src\sub\sub-0002.txt|| _DeployPathI 
    dentity-RecursiveDir: C:\temp\path02\\ 
    Creating directory "C:\temp\path02". 
    Copying file from "src\0001.txt" to "C:\temp\path02\0001.txt". 
    Copying file from "src\0002.txt" to "C:\temp\path02\0002.txt". 
    Copying file from "src\sub\sub-0001.txt" to "C:\temp\path02\sub-0001.txt". 
    Copying file from "src\sub\sub-0002.txt" to "C:\temp\path02\sub-0002.txt". 
Done Building Project "I:\Development\My Code\Community\MSBuild\CopyFiles01.proj" (default targets 

Build succeeded. 

優秀的解釋和例子。謝謝! – WayneC 2010-09-12 19:59:29


我可以踢自己 - 這個解決方案几個小時前就開放了,但一直在努力讓複製到多個目的地工作 - 第三種方法做到了! – Oliver 2012-12-11 22:03:47




    <DeployPath Include="\\server1\path" /> 
    <DeployPath Include="\\server2\path" /> 
</Item Group> 

<Target Name="Deploy" Outputs="%(DeployPath.Identity)"> 
    <Message Text="Processing: '$(Destination)" /> 
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(ItemsToCopy)" 
      DestinationFolder="%(DeployPath.Identity)\%(RecursiveDir)" /> 