"ApacheBench (ab) is a benchmarking tool that can load test servers by sending an arbitrary number of concurrent requests. It was designed for testing Apache installations.
cURL is a command line tool to send and receive data using various protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, LDAP etc. It comes by default with most of the Linux distributions.
Wrk is a tool that is similar to traditional Apache Benchmark. Configuration and execution are through a command line tool. It has very few but powerful settings, only the essential to generate HTTP load."
你試過計數換行符? – khelwood
看看[這個](https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch04s09.html)文章 –
@MauroBaraldi:指點OP肯定是矯枉過正。除此之外,我希望你已經注意到這篇文章來自Python 2.1時代(〜20歲) - 對於一個需要任意分隔符的文本文件,一個生成器可以完成約6行的工作碼。 – jsbueno