2017-04-15 75 views


public static boolean isConseccutiveFour (int[][] matrix){ 
    //creates a boolean to give answer later on 
    boolean connection = true; 
    int[][] consecFour = matrix; 
    //incrementing for loops that move through the two arrays by going horizontally then diagonally 
    for (int Y = 0; Y < consecFour.length - 3; Y++){ 
     for(int X= 0; X < consecFour[0].length - 3; X++){ 
      //if statement used to give the proper constraints for diagonal check 
      if ((consecFour.length - Y < 3) && (consecFour[0].length - X < 3)){ 
       if (consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X + 1][Y + 1] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+2][Y+2] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+3][Y+3]) 
        connection = true; 
      //if statement used to give the proper constraints for diagonal check 
      else if ((consecFour.length - Y < 3) && (consecFour[0].length < 3)){ 
       if (consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X-1][Y-1] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X-2][Y-2] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X-3][Y-3]) 
        connection = true; 
      //if statement used to give the proper constraints for horizontal check 
      else if (consecFour[0].length - X < 3){ 
       if(consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+1][Y] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+2][Y] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+3][Y]) 
        connection = true; 
      //if statement used to give the proper constraints for vertical check 
      else if (consecFour.length - Y < 3){ 
       if (consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X][Y + 1] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X][Y+2] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X][Y+3]) 
        connection = true; 
    //return statement of boolean value 
    return connection; 





public static boolean isConseccutiveFour (int[][] matrix){ 
     //creates a boolean to give answer later on 
     boolean connection = false; 
     int[][] consecFour = matrix; 
     //incrementing for loops that move through the two arrays by going horizontally then diagonally 
     for (int Y = 0; Y < consecFour.length - 3; Y++){ 
      for(int X= 0; X < consecFour[0].length - 3; X++){ 
       //if statement used to give the proper constraints for diagonal check 
       if ((consecFour.length - Y < 3) && (consecFour[0].length - X < 3)){ 
        if (consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X + 1][Y + 1] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+2][Y+2] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+3][Y+3]) 
         connection = true; 
       //if statement used to give the proper constraints for diagonal check 
       else if ((consecFour.length - Y < 3) && (consecFour[0].length < 3)){ 
        if (consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X-1][Y-1] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X-2][Y-2] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X-3][Y-3]) 
         connection = true; 
       //if statement used to give the proper constraints for horizontal check 
       else if (consecFour[0].length - X < 3){ 
        if(consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+1][Y] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+2][Y] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X+3][Y]) 
         connection = true; 
       //if statement used to give the proper constraints for vertical check 
       else if (consecFour.length - Y < 3){ 
        if (consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X][Y + 1] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X][Y+2] && consecFour[X][Y] == consecFour[X][Y+3]) 
         connection = true; 
     //return statement of boolean value 
     return connection; 

所以我做了你所說的,並創建了一個else語句,使connection = false;並且原始方程式也是相同的,但現在所做的只是返回錯誤的答案。即使當我硬編碼一個連接等於false。 – JamesJSchindler


我的答案是要做一個默認爲false或添加一個else語句,但我認爲你應該使條件((consecFour.length - Y <3)&&(consecFour [0] .length - X <3) )是((consecFour.length - 1) - Y <= 3)&&((consecFour [0] .length -1) - X <= 3) 因爲長度從1開始,循環從0開始 –


答案是正確(+1)。我添加了一個可能有所幫助的解釋。 – c0der



public static boolean isConseccutiveFour (int[][] matrix){ 

     boolean connection = true; 

     for (....){ 

       if (....){ 
         connection = true; 

       else if (....){ 
         connection = true; 
       else if (....){ 
         connection = true; 

       else if (....){ 
         connection = true; 

     return connection; 

你能看到connection = false1地方?