2016-07-15 70 views

我一直在爭取最近幾天的覆蓋面報告工作,我遇到了一個我一直無法解決的問題。堆棧跟蹤我收到,與一對夫婦的周圍調試代碼行,是Angular 2 + Karma + karma-jspm + karma-coverage + typescript report phantomJS failure

15 07 2016 14:41:53.413:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/browser.js/
15 07 2016 14:41:53.413:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/browser.js 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.415:DEBUG [proxy]: proxying request - /jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/browser.js to localhost:9876 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.417:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/browser.js/
15 07 2016 14:41:53.417:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/browser.js 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.419:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/browser.js 
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Linux 0.0.0) ERROR 
    Error: (SystemJS) /home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:3047:137 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:2998:23 
     eval code 
     [email protected][native code] 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:1544:18 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:3723:20 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:3281:36 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:3124:28 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:3491:17 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:774:32 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:972:36 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:631:11 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/jspm_packages/system.src.js:677:24 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:323:34 
     [email protected]/home/administrator/assist-2.0/client/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:230:54 
     Evaluating http://localhost:9876/dist/src/components/widgets/nested-table/nested-table.component.js 
     Error loading http://localhost:9876/dist/tests/unit/components/nested-table.spec.js 
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 0 of 0 ERROR (1.095 secs/0 secs) 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.436:DEBUG [karma]: Run complete, exiting. 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.437:DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.441:DEBUG [launcher]: Process PhantomJS2 exited with code 0 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.442:DEBUG [temp-dir]: Cleaning temp dir /tmp/karma-88547336 
15 07 2016 14:41:53.449:DEBUG [launcher]: Finished all browsers 


module.exports = function(config) { 
     frameworks: ['jspm', 'jasmine'], 

     basePath: '.', 

     files: [ 

     jspm: { 
      loadFiles: [ 

      serveFiles: [ 
       // 'src/**/*.ts' 

     proxies: { 
      // '/src/': '/base/src/', 
      '/dist/src/': '/base/dist/src/', 
      '/dist/tests/': '/base/dist/tests/', 
      '/jspm_packages/': '/base/jspm_packages/', 

     port: 9876, 
     logLevel: config.LOG_INFO, 
     colors: true, 
     autoWatch: true, 
     browsers: [ 
      // 'PhantomJS', 


     plugins: [ 
      // 'karma-typescript-preprocessor' 

     reporters: [ 

     junitReporter: { 
      outputDir: '.', 
      outputFile: "./reports/client-test-results.xml", 
      useBrowserName: false 

     preprocessors: { 
      'dist/src/**/!(*.spec).js!(.map)': [ 
       // 'typescript', 
      // 'src/**/*.ts': [ 
      //  'sourcemap', 
      //  'typescript', 
      //  'coverage', 
      // ], 

     coverageReporter: { 
      dir: 'reports', 
      subdir: 'coverage', 
      includeAllSources: true, 
      reporters: [ 
        type: 'json', 
        file: 'coverage.json' 
       // { 
       //  type: 'cobertura', 
       //  file: 'coverage.xml' 
       // }, 
       // { 
       //  type: 'html', 
       //  subdir: 'coverage/html' 
       // } 
      instrumenterOptions: { 
       istanbul: { 
        noCompact: true 

     // typescriptPreprocessor: { 
     //  options: { 
     //   inlineSourceMap: true, 
     //   inlineSources: true, 
     //   "target": "es5", 
     //   "module": "system", 
     //   "sourceMap": true, 
     //   "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, 
     //   "experimentalDecorators": true, 
     //   "removeComments": false, 
     //   "noImplicitAny": false, 
     //  }, 
     //  transformPath: function(path) { 
     //   return path.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js'); 
     //  } 
     // }, 

     singleRun: true 


import {NestedTableComponent} from '../../../src/components/widgets/nested-table/nested-table.component'; 
import {beforeEach, describe, expect, it} from '@angular/core/testing'; 
import {DEBUG_VIEW_TEST_DATA, DEBUG_VIEW_TEST_HEADERS} from '../../../src/db/mockdata'; 
import { ImmutableMatchers } from '../helpers/jasmine-immutable-matchers'; 

describe('Nested Table Component',() => { 
    let ntable, data, headers; 
    beforeEach(function() { 
     ntable = new NestedTableComponent(); 
     data = DEBUG_VIEW_TEST_DATA[0].data; 
     headers = DEBUG_VIEW_TEST_HEADERS[0].headers; 

    it('should return an array of keys',() => { 

    it('should calculate the widths of columns',() => { 
     let expected = { 
      "Element Property": 4, 
      "Key": 2, 
      "Property Value": 2, 
      "Last Refresh": 2, 
      "Element Definition": 2 


preprocessors: { 
    'dist/src/!(*.spec).js!(.map)': [ 
     // 'typescript', 
    // 'src/**/*.ts': [ 
    //  'sourcemap', 
    //  'typescript', 
    //  'coverage', 
    // ], 






我也在爲karma,systemjs和typescript工作的設置掙扎。我發現了一個工作設置,但它有點難看,並且依賴於通過吞噬重新映射覆​​蓋率報告,因爲用於重映射的業務插件在業障內不能正確工作,但僅在吞嚥時才工作。 我使用了systemjs插件而不是jspm插件,因爲它的接縫效果更好。

// Karma configuration 
// Generated on Sat Aug 13 2016 18:33:27 GMT+0200 (CEST) 

module.exports = function (config) { 

    // base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude) 
    basePath: './', 

    // frameworks to use 
    // available frameworks: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-adapter 
    frameworks: ['systemjs', 'jasmine'], 

    // list of files/patterns to load in the browser 
    files: [ 


//  {pattern: 'node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
//  {pattern: 'jspm_packages/**/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 

     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/npm/@angular/**/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/**/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
     'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/lodash.js', 
     'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/dist/ks-swiper.js', 
     'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/dist/js/swiper.js', 
     'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.js', 
     'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/dist/foundation.js', 
     'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/index.js', 
     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/lib/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/**/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 

     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/github/**/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
     {pattern: 'jspm_packages/npm/*.js', included: false, watched: false}, 
     {pattern: 'dev/**/*.js', included: true, watched: true}, 
     {pattern: 'test/*.spec.js', included: true, watched: true}, 
     {pattern: 'templates/*.html', included: true, watched: true} 

    // list of files to exclude 
    exclude: [], 

    proxies: { 
//  '/jspm_packages/': '/base/jspm_packages/' 
//  '/templates/': '/base/templates/' 

    systemjs: { 
     configFile: 'dev/systemjs.config.js', 
//  serveFiles: ['test/**/*.spec.js'], 
     config:  { 
      paths: { 
//   "github:*": "./jspm_packages/github/*", 
//   "npm:*": "./jspm_packages/npm/*" 
      map: { 
       'systemjs':   'node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.js', 
       'system-polyfills': 'node_modules/systemjs/dist/system-polyfills.js', 
       'es6-module-loader': 'node_modules/es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.js' 
      meta: { 
       'dev/app/*': {format: 'register'} 

    // preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser 
    // available preprocessors: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-preprocessor 
    preprocessors: { 
     'dev/app/**/*.js': ['coverage'] 

    // test results reporter to use 
    // possible values: 'dots', 'progress' 
    // available reporters: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-reporter 
//  reporters: ['spec', 'coverage', 'karma-remap-istanbul'], 
    reporters: ['spec', 'coverage'], 

    coverageReporter: { 
     reporters: [{ 
      type: 'json', 
      subdir: '.' 
     }, { 
      type: 'text-summary' 
     }/*, { 
      type: 'html' 

    remapIstanbulReporter: { 
     src:  'coverage/coverage-final.json', 
     reports: { 
      html: 'coverage' 
     dest: './coverage-source' 
    }, */ 

    // web server port 
    port: 9876, 

    // enable/disable colors in the output (reporters and logs) 
    colors: true, 

    // level of logging 
    // possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG 
    logLevel: config.LOG_WARN, 

    // enable/disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes 
    autoWatch: true, 

    // start these browsers 
    // available browser launchers: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-launcher 
    browsers: ['PhantomJS', 'Chrome'], 

    // Continuous Integration mode 
    // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits 
    singleRun: false, 

    // Concurrency level 
    // how many browser should be started simultaneous 
    concurrency: Infinity 


gulp.task('coverage', ['test'], function() { 
return gulp.src('coverage/**/coverage-final.json') 
     reports: { 
      'json': 'reports/coverage/coverage.json', 
      'html': 'reports/coverage/html' 

這種設置仍然有一些問題。例如,一些空的或不「執行」的文件可能會破壞它,因爲SystemJS抱怨註冊和不執行。 測試僅通過* .spec.js包含,因爲使用**/*。spec.js不會加載任何測試。

我已經爲karma-remap-istanbul插件填寫了一個bug報告。 https://github.com/marcules/karma-remap-istanbul/issues/21 也許有機會得到是業力內部的工作。











    // Karma configuration 
    // Generated on Wed Jul 15 2015 09:44:02 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) 
    'use strict'; 

    var argv = require('yargs').argv; 

    module.exports = function(config) { 

     // base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude) 
     basePath: './src/client', 

     // frameworks to use 
     // available frameworks: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-adapter 
     frameworks: ['jspm', 'jasmine'], 

     // list of files/patterns to load in the browser 
     jspm: { 
      stripExtension: false, 

      * main config 
      config: 'jspm.config.js', 

      * dev jspm config. 
      dev: null, 

      * node jspm config 
      node: null, 

      * browser jspm config. 
      browser: null, 

      packages: 'jspm_packages', 

      * Adapters do any preloading with systemJs before tests start, 
      * and impletent the karma.start method. 
      * 'angular2' is the only option for now. 
      * If not defined, a default adapter is used. 
      * @param path to adapter or 'angular2' 
      adapter: 'angular2', 

      * Files loaded by system js before app is loaded. 
      * They will load in same order provided. 
      * Default files are set for 'angular2' adapter. 
      * This property will override defaults if set. 
      // preloadBySystemJS: [ 
      // 'zone.js/dist/zone.js', 
      // '@angular/core/testing', 
      // '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing', 
      // 'zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch.js', 
      // 'zone.js/dist/async-test.js', 
      // 'zone.js/dist/fake-async-test.js' 
      // ], 

      * Files may be provided in a object to 
      * configure specific serve options. 
      * Files will be put in an object similar to: 
      * { 
      * pattern: 'someFile.js, 
      * included: false, // configurable 
      * served: true,  // configurable 
      * nocache: false, // configurable 
      * watched: true  // configurable 
      * }; 
      * All options configured if provided in an object. 
      loadFiles: [ 

      * Files will be put in an object EXACTLY with the options: 
      * { 
      * pattern: 'someFile.js, 
      * included: false, 
      * served: true, 
      * nocache: false, 
      * watched: true 
      * }; 
      serveFiles: [ 

     // must go along with above, suppress annoying 404 warnings. 
     proxies: { 
      '/app/': '/base/app/', 
      '/assets/': '/base/assets/', 
      '/jspm_packages/': '/base/jspm_packages/', 
      '/scss/': '/base/scss/', 
      '/testing/': '/base/testing/' 

     // list of files to exclude 
     exclude: [], 

     // preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser 
     // available preprocessors: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-preprocessor 
     preprocessors: { 
      'app/**/!(*.spec).ts': ['jspm'] 

     // test results reporter to use 
     // possible values: 'dots', 'progress' 
     // available reporters: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-reporter 
     // reporters: ['junit', 'coverage', 'spec'], 
     reporters: ['mocha', 'jspm'], 

     coverageReporter: { 

      // map coverage to source typescript or es6 files. 
      remap: true, 

      dir: process.cwd() + '/test-reports/unit', 

      subdir: function(directory) { 
      return directory.replace(/\s/g, '_'); 

      reporters: [ 

      // will generate html report 
      {type: 'html'}, 

      // will generate json report file and this report is loaded to 
      // make sure failed coverage cause gulp to exit non-zero 
      {type: 'json', file: 'coverage-final.json'}, 

      // will generate Icov report file and this report is published to coveralls 
      {type: 'lcov'}, 

      // it does not generate any file but it will print coverage to console 
      // a summary of the coverage 
      // {type: 'text-summary'}, 

      // it does not generate any file but it will print coverage to console 
      // a detail report of every file 
      {type: 'text'} 

     // web server port 
     port: 9876, 

     // enable/disable colors in the output (reporters and logs) 
     colors: true, 

     // level of logging 
     // possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG 
     logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG, 

     loggers: [{ 
      "type": "file", 
      "filename": "./log_file.log", 
      "maxLogSize": 20480, 
      "backups": 3, 
      "category": "absolute-logger" 

     // enable/disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes 
     autoWatch: true, 

     // start these browsers 
     // available browser launchers: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-launcher 
     browsers: [ 

     plugins: [ 

     customLaunchers: { 
      Chrome_travis_ci: { 
      base: 'Chrome', 
      flags: ['--no-sandbox'] 

     // Continuous Integration mode 
     // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits 
     singleRun: false, 

     // Passing command line arguments to tests 
     client: { 
      files: argv.files 

     if (process.env.APPVEYOR) { 
     config.browsers = ['IE']; 
     config.singleRun = true; 
     config.browserNoActivityTimeout = 90000; // Note: default value (10000) is not enough 

     if (process.env.TRAVIS || process.env.CIRCLECI) { 
     config.browsers = ['Chrome_travis_ci']; 
     config.singleRun = true; 
