如果我有任何文件,並且我想chage該文件的摘要屬性信息集,我該怎麼做,我主要關注這個屬性「Title,Subject ,類別,關鍵字,評論,來源,作者,修訂號「如何使用powershell更改文件的摘要屬性信息集
如果我有任何文件,並且我想chage該文件的摘要屬性信息集,我該怎麼做,我主要關注這個屬性「Title,Subject ,類別,關鍵字,評論,來源,作者,修訂號「如何使用powershell更改文件的摘要屬性信息集
嘗試看看這一個 - File Property Edit Pro
# Load SharePoint library
# Connect to the site collection http://SP2010 and store the object in the $site variable
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://SP2010")
# Connect to the root site in the site collection and store the object in $root
$root = $site.rootweb
# Store the Shared Documents document library in a variable $Docs
$docs = $root.lists["Shared Documents"]
# Display all the documents, their titles, names and IDs
$docs.items | format-table -property title,name,id
# Updates the title for each item in the list with Name
$docs.items | ForEach { $_["Title"] = $_["Name"]; $_.Update() }
# Display all the documents, their titles, names and IDs
$docs.items | format-table -property title,name,id
嗨,任何人都可以請幫忙得到答案,請 – Janki 2011-05-19 23:11:51