我打電話彭博服務器API(在股市中的數據),並早在Dictionary<string, object>
到字典中是彭博的身邊Field Name
, DateTime
其中第一個元組項是bloomberg字段名,第二個元組項是我的實體的屬性名,第三個元組項是從bloomberg返回的數據值。即不工作或者(到目前爲止),所以我想知道是否有維護這個bloombergfield <的一個簡單直接的方式 - > EntityProperty映射和填充使用彭博的數據價值的各個領域實體的價值。通用(即使用C#泛型)解決方案會更好!
我已經粘貼下面的示例控制檯應用程序代碼,這樣你就可以粘貼和嘗試。 2個字典,1 stockdata
namespace MapBBFieldsToEntityProperties
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
public class StockDataResult
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal LastPrice { get; set; }
public DateTime SettlementDate { get; set; }
public decimal EPS { get; set; }
public class BondDataResult
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Issuer { get; set; }
public decimal Duration { get; set; }
public DateTime YieldToMaturity { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
// Data Coming from Bloomberg.
// Dictionary Key is the Bloomberg Data Field Name.
// Dictionary Object is the Value returns and can be any .Net primitive Type
// Sample Data returned for a Stock Query to Bloomberg
Dictionary<string, object> dctBloombergStockData
= new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "NAME", "IBM" },
{ "PX_LAST", 181.30f },
{ "SETTLE_DT", "11/25/2013" } // This is Datetime value
// Sample Data returned for a Bond Query to Bloomberg
Dictionary<string, object> dctBloombergBondData =
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "NAME", "IBM" },
{ "ISSUE_ORG","IBM Corp" },
{ "DURATION", 4.430f },
{ "YLD_TO_M", 6.456f }
// This is my Stock Entity
StockDataResult stockData = new StockDataResult();
// This is my Bond Entity
BondDataResult bondData = new BondDataResult();
// Need to somehow Map the Data returned from Bloomberg into the
// Corresponding Strong-typed Entity for that Data Type.
// i.e.
// map dctBloombergStockData to stockData Entity instance as follows
// dctBloombergStockData."NAME" Key <--------> stockData.Name Property so that
// dctBloombergStockData["NAME"] value of "IBM" can be assigned to stockData.Name
// dctBloombergStockData."PX_LAST" Key <--------> stockData.LastPrice Property so that
// dctBloombergStockData["PX_LAST"] value 181.30f can be assigned to stockData.LastPrice value.
// ....
// .. you get the idea.
// Similarly,
// map dctBloombergBondData Data to bondData Entity instance as follows
// dctBloombergBondData."NAME" Key <--------> bondData.Name Property so that
// dctBloombergBondData["NAME"] value of "IBM" can be assigned to bondData.Name property's value
// dctBloombergBondData."ISSUE_ORG" Key <--------> bondData.Issuer Property so that
// dctBloombergBondData["ISSUE_ORG"] value 181.30f can be assigned to bondData.Issuer property's value.
// dctBloombergBondData."YLD_TO_M" Key <--------> bondData.YieldToMaturity Property so that
// dctBloombergBondData["YLD_TO_M"] value 181.30f can be assigned to bondData.YieldToMaturity property's value.
這是一些不錯的代碼。我對它做了一些修改。 – Max
感謝Alex&Max。我將在週末測試你的兩個答案,並讓你知道! – Shiva
@Alex這個偉大的工程!謝謝。我也用BondData測試過它。 1個問題,如果BloombergDataDictionary中的字段沒有映射到實體,我得到一個錯誤。所以我改變了MapFrom代碼,如下檢查密鑰。這是解決這個問題的正確方法嗎? foreach(bloombergDict中的var條目) if(_propertyMappers.ContainsKey(entry.Key)) _propertyMappers [entry.Key](instance,entry.Value); } – Shiva