2010-01-20 12 views

我試圖去抓住通過觀看這個演示 http://www.bestechvideos.com/2008/06/08/dimecasts-net-introduction-to-mocking-with-moq 嘲諷和ReSharper的我敢肯定,我遵循正確的代碼,但我得到的錯誤。 你能給我一些指點,因爲我出錯了嗎?問題得到一個嘲諷的演示工作(NUnit的和ReSharper的)

錯誤:-class名字是不是在這一點上 錯誤有效: - 發送郵件未實現

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; // for the Dictionary 
using NUnit.Framework; 
using Moq; 

namespace MvcUnitTst2.Tests 
public class IntoToMoq 
    public void NonMock() 

     var emailService = new EmailService(); 
     var emailer = new Emailer(emailService); 


public class Emailer 
    public Emailer(IEmailService emailService) 
     // error here:- class name is not valid at this point 
     MvcUnitTst2.Tests.EmailService = emailService; 
    public void SendBatchEmails() 
     // build a list of emails 
     // code below fails 
     //Dictionary<string, string> emails = new Dictionary<string, string> 
     //          { 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 1"}, 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 2"}, 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 3"}, 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 4"} 
     //          }; 

     // use this instead 
     var emails = new Dictionary<string, string> 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 1"}, 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 2"}, 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 3"}, 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 4"} 

     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> email in emails) 
       throw new Exception("Some message here"); 



    private IEmailService EmailService { get; set; } 

// the error is here:- send email is not implemented 
    public class EmailService: IEmailService 
     public static bool SendEmail(string emailAddress,string message) 
      return false; 

public interface IEmailService 
    bool SendEmail(string emailAddress, string message); 





Why doesn't c# allow static methods to implement an interface


// error here:- class name is not valid at this point 
MvcUnitTst2.Tests.EmailService = emailService; 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; // for the Dictionary 
using NUnit.Framework; 
using Moq; 

namespace MvcUnitTst2.Tests 
public class IntoToMoq 
    public void NonMock() 

     var emailService = new EmailService(); 
     var emailer = new Emailer(emailService); 


public class Emailer 
    public Emailer(IEmailService emailService) 
     this.EmailService = emailService; 
    public void SendBatchEmails() 
     // build a list of emails 
     // code below fails 
     //Dictionary<string, string> emails = new Dictionary<string, string> 
     //          { 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 1"}, 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 2"}, 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 3"}, 
     //           {"[email protected]","Hello 4"} 
     //          }; 

     // use this instead 
     var emails = new Dictionary<string, string> 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 1"}, 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 2"}, 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 3"}, 
                {"[email protected]","Hello 4"} 

     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> email in emails) 
       throw new Exception("Some message here"); 



    private IEmailService EmailService { get; set; } 

    public class EmailService: IEmailService 
     public bool SendEmail(string emailAddress,string message) 
      return false; 

public interface IEmailService 
    bool SendEmail(string emailAddress, string message); 

感謝薩姆, 這已幫助了我很多:) 在ReSharper的的智能感知把MvcUnitTst2.Tests。在EmailService之前。所以就像一個傻瓜,我提供了代碼。這迫使我添加靜態...從那裏我失去了:( – Hunt 2010-01-21 10:15:34