我想要的火力鏢包, 保存正確的值在數據庫中,但推出的例外: 火力地堡,飛鏢例外集
Closure call with mismatched arguments: function 'call'
NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named 'call'
Receiver: Closure: (dynamic) => dynamic
Tried calling: call(null, "")
Found: call(err)
library reverser;
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart' show Firebase;
const firebaseUrl = 'https://laquyfire.firebaseio.com/';
// Example of hooking into the DOM and responding to changes from input fields.
initReverser() {
var output = querySelector('#out');
var input = querySelector('#name');
input.onKeyUp.listen((_) {
output.text = input.value.split('').reversed.join();
var fb = new Firebase('${firebaseUrl}');
var value = {'reversed': output.text};
fb.set(value).then((result) => print(result.snapshot));
如果你做了'fb.child('/ some-child').set(value)'',它會起作用嗎?順便說一句,你可以做'新的Firebase(firebaseUrl)'。 – 2015-04-07 00:27:40
與小孩(...)相同的錯誤 – JoaoBiriba 2015-04-07 21:31:06