我已經寫了一本基於Java的基本客戶端 - 服務器套接字程序,從書中的'java-all-in-one桌面參考傻瓜'它包含3個類:BartServer,BartClient,BartQuote ..基本上BartServer.class所做的是偵聽BartClient.class,執行後的BartClient將向BartServer發送命令,BartServer將根據BartClient發送的內容進行回覆。基本的Java套接字,服務器不能發送也不能客戶端可以接收任何東西
如果「獲取」命令,BartServer將回復從「再見」的BartQuote.class 否則產生的隨機報價將退出客戶端... 我試圖在本地主機,客戶端成功連接服務器,但是BartServer不會做任何事情,也不會做任何事情ts會收到...命令無法響應或任何...我哪裏出錯了?對不起,我的英文不好...
package socketBart;
import java.net.*;import java.io.*;import java.util.*;
public class BartServer {
public static void main(String[] args)
int port = 1892;
BartQuote bart = new BartQuote();
System.out.println("BartServer 1.0");
System.out.println("Listening on port "+port);
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port);
Socket s = ss.accept(); // WAITS for a client to connect, once connected, returns a socket object
// once clients connects and socket s is created, it will proceed to the next line
String client;
client = s.getInetAddress().toString();
System.out.println("Connected to "+ client);
Scanner in = new Scanner(s.getInputStream()); //READS data sent to this server from CLIENTS
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); //SENDS data FROM this server to CLIENTS
out.println("Welcome to BartServer 1.0");// these lines are sent to the client
out.println("Enter GET to get a quote or BYE to exit.");
while (true)
String input = in.nextLine();
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("bye"))
else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("get"))
System.out.println("Serving "+ client);
out.println("So long suckers!");
System.out.println("Closed connection to " + client);
catch(Exception e){
package socketBart;
import java.net.*;import java.util.*;import java.io.*;
public class BartClient {
public static void main(String[] args)
int port = 1892;
System.out.println("Welcome to the Bart Client\n");
Socket s = getSocket(port);
System.out.println("Connected on port " + port);
Scanner in = new Scanner(s.getInputStream());
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(),true);
//discard welcome message from server
//discard the exit instructions
//get a quote
String quote = in.nextLine();
//disconnect from server
//write the quote of the 'chalkboard'
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
catch (Exception e)
private static Socket getSocket(int port)
Socket s;
String host;
InetAddress ip;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
while (true)
System.out.print("Connect to server: ");
host = sc.nextLine();
ip = InetAddress.getByName(host);
s = new Socket(ip,port);
return s;
catch(UnknownHostException e)
System.out.println("The host is unknown.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Network error, check your port.");
}//end catch
package socketBart;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class BartQuote {
ArrayList<String> q = new ArrayList<String>();
public BartQuote()
q.add("I will not waste chalk");
q.add("I will not skateboard in the halls");
q.add("I will not burp in the class");
q.add("I will not instigate a revolution");
q.add("It's potato, not potatoe.");
q.add("I will not encourage others to fly.");
q.add("Tar is not a plaything.");
q.add("I will not sell school property.");
q.add("I will not get very far with this attitude");
q.add("I will not sell land in Florida.");
q.add("I will not grease the monkey bars.");
q.add("I am not a dentist");
q.add("I will finish what I started.");
q.add("Hamsters cannot fly");
public String getQuote()
int i = new Random().nextInt(q.size());
return q.get(i);
您是否在向其寫入數據之後嘗試刷新PrintWriter? – Voo 2011-06-09 17:31:08
我反對沒有找到任何與你的程序錯誤,我被困在某個類似的情況...好吧,它聽起來很愚蠢,但嘗試顛倒行的順序:掃描儀=新掃描儀(s.getInputStream()); //從CLIENTS發送到此服務器的READS數據 PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); //將SENDS數據從此服務器發送到CLIENTS ...................這是第一次初始化,然後在服務器上。 – Nik 2011-06-09 17:31:30
我在客戶端編寫'get'和'bye'命令後做了刷新...仍然無法使其工作 – Shizumaru18 2011-06-09 17:35:13