2017-02-26 82 views


public class Pet{ 
    private name; 
    private age; 

HashMap<String,<Pet>> - 的String值是一個孩子的名字。 在HTML文件中我得到此HashMap中JSON,例如:



 <select id="Child"> 
      <option value="Jon">Jon</option> 
      <option value="Paul">Paul</option> 
     <select id="Pet"> 

我想選擇child's name,然後把第二個select名爲Pets這個孩子。我知道不可能加載所有數據,然後使用'hide'和'show'之類的東西。那麼decode我的Json對某些數組的最佳方式是什麼,然後動態添加它以清除select

@Update 我的html:

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 
// Parse the JSON string into a proper object 
     let data = JSON.parse('{"Jon":[{"name":"dog","age":5},{"name":"cat","age":4},{"name":"parrot","age":3}],"Paul":[{"name":"parrot","age":3}]}'); 

     // References to both SELECT elements 
     let child = document.getElementById('Child'); 
     let pet = document.getElementById('Pet'); 

     // An event listener to handle changes to the child-select 
     child.addEventListener('change', function() { 
      // Attempt to look-up the selected value in our JSON 
      let option = data[this.value]; 

      // Proceed only if a match (with depth) is found 
      if (option && option.length) { 
       // Create a fragment, and add option elements 
       let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); 

       option.forEach(function (item) { 
        let entry = document.createElement("option"); 
        entry.value = item.name; 
        entry.textContent = item.name; 

       // Clear the pet-select of any values, re-populate 
       pet.innerHTML = ''; 

     <select id="Child"> 
      <option value="Jon">Jon</option> 
      <option value="Paul">Paul</option> 
     </select id="Pet"> 
     <select id="Pet"> 

所以,如果'#Child'存在於你的JSON文件中,你希望相應對象的'name'屬性被列爲'#Pet'的值? – Sampson


這正是我想要 – littlewombat




// Only proceed once the DOM has been constructed 
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { 

    // Parse the JSON string into a proper object 
    let data = JSON.parse('{"Jon":[...],"Paul":[...]}'); 

    // References to both SELECT elements 
    let child = document.getElementById('Child'); 
    let pet = document.getElementById('Pet'); 

    // An event listener to handle changes to the child-select 
    if (child && pet) { 
     child.addEventListener('change', function() { 
      // Attempt to look-up the selected value in our JSON 
      let option = data[this.value]; 

      // Proceed only if a match (with depth) is found 
      if (option && option.length) { 
       // Create a fragment, and add option elements 
       let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); 

       option.forEach(function (item) { 
        let entry = document.createElement("option"); 
        entry.value = item.name; 
        entry.textContent = item.name; 

       // Clear the pet-select of any values, re-populate 
       pet.innerHTML = ''; 


可以檢查我的html是否正確? – littlewombat





var values = { 
     "Jon": [{"name": "dog", "age": 5}, {"name": "cat", "age": 4}, {"name": "parrot", "age": 3}], 
     "Paul": [{"name": "parrot", "age": 3}] 
    $(function() { 
     for (var key in values) { 
      for (var i = 0; i < values[key].length; i++) { 
         value: values[key][i].name, 
         text: values[key][i].name, 
         class: key 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-chained/1.0.0/jquery.chained.js"></script> 
    <select id="Child"> 
    <option value="Jon">Jon</option> 
    <option value="Paul">Paul</option> 
    <select id="Pet"> 