purch_amt = float(input('Enter Amount of Purchase'))
state_stax = purch_amt * 0.04
county_stax = purch_amt * 0.02
tax = state_stax + county_stax
totalprice = purch_amt + tax
Print("Purchase Price", "= $", %.2f % purch_amt)
Print("State Sales tax", "= $", %.2f % state_stax)
Print("County Sales tax", "= $", %.2f % county_stax)
Print("Total Tax", "= $", %.2f % tax)
Print("Total Price", "= $", %.2f % totalprice)
Purchase Price = $ 100.00
State Sales tax = $ 4.00
County Sales tax = $ 2.00
Total Tax = $ 6.00
Total Price = $ 106.00
purch_amt = float(input('Enter Amount of Purchase'))
state_stax = purch_amt * 0.04
county_stax = purch_amt * 0.02
tax = state_stax + county_stax
totalprice = purch_amt + tax
def justified(title, amount, titlewidth=20, amountwidth=10):
return title.ljust(titlewidth) + " = $ " + ('%.2f' % amount).rjust(amountwidth)
print(justified('Purchase Price', purch_amt))
print(justified('State Sales Tax', state_stax))
print(justified('County Sales Tax', county_stax))
print(justified('Total Tax', tax))
print(justified('Total Price', totalprice))
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