2015-07-10 24 views


i just know scrollview,in fact, its easy. 
you should know the icon(ImageView) width and height and line margin、item counts; 
then you should calculate the size; 
for examples: 
screen :480 * 800,screen margin 30 
one line we will put n items,one item width 60, height 60 
so the x-item-margin will be (480 - n * 60 - 30 - 30)/n; 
and the second line we should calculate the icon left and top too; 
so the second line the first item left = 30, top = 30 + 60 + 30 (top-margin + 
item height + y-item-margin); 

ios coder do this all in its customeView.(no gridView ? i dont konw) 