dropLastDigit :: (Integral b) => b -> b
dropLastDigit x = (quot x 10) * (floor $ logBase 10 x)
Could not deduce (Floating b) arising from a use of ‘logBase’
from the context (Integral b)
bound by the type signature for
dropLastDigit :: Integral b => b -> b
at haskelljokes.hs:6:18-39
Possible fix:
add (Floating b) to the context of
the type signature for dropLastDigit :: Integral b => b -> b
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘logBase 10 x’
In the expression: floor $ logBase 10 x
In an equation for ‘dropLastDigit’:
dropLastDigit x = floor $ logBase 10 x
:t (quot 101 10) * (floor $ logBase 10 101)
生產:(quot 101 10) * (floor $ logBase 10 101) :: Integral a => a
謝謝你明確的迴應。真的有助於提醒我思考我的類型類。 Upvoted。澤塔擊敗你,所以他得到了接受。 –